Past issues of LUSTLine can be accessed by clicking the links in the list below. For a categorized list of articles, view the L.U.S.T.Line Index.
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Issues #90-93/2022-2024
Cover Story: Requiem for a Heavyweight, by Marcel Moreau. Other articles include: High Resolution Site Characterization – Coming to a LUST Site Near You?, Implementing High-Resolution Site Characterization in South Carolina’s UST Management Program, and more. PDF/Web Layout.
#92/April 2023
Cover Story: The Tale of the Terrifying Tank, by Mark Junker. Other articles include: Working Towards Environmental Protections for All Communities, California Stalled LUST Case Initiative Turns 5, and more. PDF/Web Layout.
#91/August 2022
Cover Story: Dealing with Climate Change and Natural Disasters, by Mark Barolo. Other articles include: Making the Most of the National Tanks Conference, New Faces and New Discussions at the National Tanks Conference, and more.
#90/March 2022
Cover story: The Tale of a Legacy Release: A Montana Case Study, by Shannon Cala. Other articles include: Pump Explosion in Tennessee, PFAS at LUST sites, and the Fiberglass Tank’s Disappearing Gasoline.
Issues #89-80/2021-2016
Cover story: Now We’re Talking! What if We All Spoke the Same UST Language? Other articles include: UST Finder, electric vehicles, and ATG backup batteries.
#88/December 2020
Cover story: Adjusting to a New Normal: COVID-19 Impact to State UST Programs, by Mahesh Albuquerque. Other articles include: virtual inspections, PEI RP100, and operator training.
#87/June 2020
Cover story: Redeveloping Petroleum Brownfields, by Mahesh Albuquerque. Other articles include: UST/LUST Facilities and Vulnerabilities, Fiberglass and Riser Pipes, and What’s Up with TPH?
#86/July 2019
Cover story: Goodbye Tank Farm, Hello Wind Farm, by Sofia Kaczor. Other articles include: Inspecting Overfill-Prevention Equipment, Risk of Bad Data, and An Approach to Closing Certain LUST Sites with Contamination in Place.
#85/March 2019
Cover story: 30 Years of Federal UST Regulation – Looking Back; Going Forward, by Carolyn Hoskinson,
Other articles include: Tales of Three Leaks, To HRSC or Not: Part 2, The RISK Factor: UST Facility Inspections
#84/August 2018
Cover story: To HRSC or Not? What a Great Question!
Other articles include: Natural Disasters and USTs, Self-Insuranced Retentions, CITLD vs SIR
#83/December 2017
Cover story: Testing Containment Sumps
Other articles include: Countdown to 2018 Compliance, An Elixir for UST System Corrosion?, AFVR Reinvented
#82/June 2017
Cover story: The 30-Day Walkthrough Inspection: What’s Not to Love? Other articles include: Leak Detection Genealogy, Verifying Insurance, Tanks on Tribal Lands. Additional online-only supplements: Failure Models of TCI Piping and Examples of Total Containment Piping
#81/October 2016
Cover story: Is Uncontaminated Groundwater Just Another Utopian Ideal?
Other articles include: Untangling UST Corrosion Issues, Unlocking the Mystery of FR: Why States Should Be Concerned About Aging Tanks and Private Insurance, Former Tennessee Gas Station Is Transformed into a Local Produce Hub
#80/June 2016
Cover story: A Tale of Two Gas Stations
Other articles include: The Enigma of TPH, The Holes in Our Leak Detection, Using NWGLDE List to Comply with 2015 Revised Regulation
Issues #79-70/2015-2012
#79/December 2015
Cover story: USTfields to Healthfields
Other articles include: ULSD’s Dirty Little Secrets, USEPA and ITRC Guides for Petroleum Vapor Intrusion, and What Will the New UST Rules Bring?
#78/August 2015
Cover story: Ta-Da! Meet the 2015 Revised UST Regulation
Other articles include: New OUST PVI Guide, First Impressions on New UST Rule, and Why Inventory Can’t Find Leaks in Satellite Piping.
#77/April 2014
Cover story: The Missing Link: How Well is UST Equipment Working? Other articles include: Stage I Vapor Recovery and ATGs, Rules Are Just for Some Tank Owners, and Petroleum Remediation Using Activated Carbon.
#76/December 2014
Cover story: A Mile-High Perspective on Petroleum Brownfield Redevelopment.
Other articles include: 30 Years of Protecting Groundwater, Great Today and Even Better Tomorrow, and “Pig” Chews over Meeting UST Regulatory Goals – Part 2.
#75/October 2014
Cover story: It’s Time to Decommission the Silos: Reimagining a Remedial Program for New Hampshire.
Other articles include: Snap, Crackle, Pop, Ignition…Richmond, NH; Transmissivity – Part 1: The Science Behind It; and Are Two Poppets Better Than One?
#74/June 2014
Cover story: The Missouri Fund’s $1.3 Million Sting.
Other articles include: The Consultant Who Played Foul; What’s Up with Lead Scavengers; and Will the West Virginia Chemical Spill Help Wake Us Up?
#73/June 2013
Cover story: Sandy Clobbers Long Island Heating Oil Tanks
Other articles include: Bunyan, Babe, and Natural Attenuation; Patricia Ellis…A Brillant Life; and Determined to Understand MtBE and Get it Right
#72/February 2013
Cover story: Ghosts are Stakeholders Too! Remediation Activities at a Historic Woonsocket, RI, Mill Are Delayed by Unexpected Events.
Other articles include: Methane at LUST Spill Sites? Part 2: Vapor Intrusion, Why Are Releases Rarely Discovered at the Time They Occur?; and Nassau County, NY, Small Tank Abandonment/Removal Program.
#71/September 2012
Cover story: When Winkie Woke Up – My, How UST Systems Have Changed in 25 Years!
Other articles include: Inventorying SC’s Petroleum Sites; Methane at LUST Spill Sites: Part 1; and Something’s Gotta Give.
#70/May 2012
Cover story: Scoring Cleanups.
Other articles include: E15 Rumblings; and How Certain is FR? from the USEPA, Insurance, and State Fund perspectives.
Issues #69-60/2011-2009
#69/December 2011
Cover story: Extremes: USTs versus Mother Nature, Joplin, MO.
Other articles include: Weathering High-Octane Disasters?; Irene Takes Vermont by a Storm; and Arizona Wildfires Test UST Owners, Operators.
#68/June 2011
Cover story: The GISST of GoNM: Prioritize Inspections, Target Remediation, Reduce Claims to the State Fund.
Other articles include: Distilling the Essence of SOC; Compliance Assistance in Oneida Country; and Testing Automatic Line-Leak Detectors. Additional online-only supplement “UST Compliance Assistance Handbook”
#67/March 2011
Cover story: The Growing Vulnerability of Groundwater.
Other articles include: Alas, Poor Groundwater; Sources and Causes of Releases; and TQM and USTs.
#66/December 2010
25th Anniversary Issue. Cover story: USEPA’s Partial E15 Waiver Still Has Some Ifs, Ands, or Buts.
Other articles include: NREL Study – Mid-Level Ethanol in Dispensing Equipment; It’s the Compatibility Thing – Iowa; and Ferreting Out the Identity of Gasoline Additives. Additional online-only supplement “Evaluating the Petroleum Vapor Intrusion Pathway”
#65/June 2010
Cover story: Operator Training Has Left the Station…So Where are State Programs Headed?
Other articles include: Transition – Part 2; Release, Remediate, Repeat; and Not for the Squeamish!
#64/March 2010
Cover Story: Transition: What’s in Store for Tanks and Tank Programs Over the Next Decade – Part 1.
Other articles include, LUST Recovery Act: Cleanups That Are Making a Difference, If I Had To Choose Just One Way of Achieving UST Operational Compliance…, and Observations on Cathodic-Protection Operation and Testing. Additional online-only supplement: Testing Cathodic-Protection Systems and Microbes in Fuel Systems
#63/December 2009
Cover Story: United We Stand… Divided We Fizzle: How Geographic Corridors and Petroleum Brownfields Can Be a Symbolic Force.
Other articles include, The Perfect Marriage, a Messy Divorce, or Badly in Need of Counseling?, What Minnesota Is Learning About Denatured Ethanol, E85 Releases, and Methane Gas, and The Top 10 LNAPL Myths.
#62/August 2009
Cover Story: How Can Tank Programs Get on the Ball with Sustainability.
Other articles include, The Transient Behavior of Water in Ethanol-Blended Fuels – Implications for Leak Detection, What If Methanol…?, Biodiesel: A Multimedia Evaluation Case Study, and Another Spill-Prevention Device!
#61/May 2009
Cover Story: When Reality Gets in the Way of Good Intentions – UST/LUST Stakeholders Weigh In on Biofuels.
Other articles include, The Tangled Web of New-Fuel Mandates, MtBE? Never Again! California’s Multimedia Review Process for New Motor-Vehicle Fuels, Anticipating Environmental Impacts of Future Fuels, and New-Fuel Challenges for Petroleum Marketers.
#60/February 2009
Cover Story: A Criminal Before Breakfast: For Many Petroleum Marketers, It’s Just Plain Hard to Keep Up.
Other articles include, Sustainable Remediation at the MA Military Reservation, EPA Report Provides Needed Information on Natural Attenuation of EDB and 1,2-DCA at Motor Fuel Release Sites Plus Implications for Risk Management, and A Primer for the Next Generation of Tank People: Part 1 – Tank and Pipe Technology.
Issues #59-50/2008-2005
#59/November 2008
Cover Story: Where Compassion and LUST Remediation Meet.
Other articles include, Hiding in Plain Sight, Green Energy Gateway Fuel Station – Lawrence, KS, UST Rules for a New Century, and Reducing the LUST Backlog.
#58/September 2008
Cover Story: Will Groundwater Ever Get Some R-E-S-P-E-C-T? Why Underground Storage Tanks Matter.
Other articles include, GWPC’s Clarion Call for Groundwater, Operator Training: The Oregon Experien, and Parting Thoughts from a Veteran Tank Regulator.
#57/November 2007
Cover Story: It’s Always Something! That Element of Surprise in Analyzing for Gasoline Compounds.
Other articles include, TBA, Go Away! and What About 1,2-DCA?
#56/August 2007
Cover Story: The Trouble with Truck Stops (and Other High-Throughput Fueling Facilities
Other articles include, Florida’s Leak Autopsy Study, Results of NEIWPCC’s 2006 Study of State Tank Programs, and Impact of Ethanol on Natural Attenuation of BTEX and MtBE.
#55/June 2007
Cover Story: “Look, A “Green” Fueling Station! The Future is Here…at a Former Eugene,Oregon,Brownfield Site”
Other articles include, “What’s in Your Gasoline” and “Navajo Nation Bioremediation”
#54/February 2007
Cover Story: “A Marriage Made in Groundwater: How State UST, LUST, and Source Water Programs Can Work Together to Protect Drinking Water”
Other articles include, “USTs and LUSTs of Biodiesel,” and “Are Vapor Leaks Still Relevant?”
#53/September 2006
Cover Story: “What Goes Around Comes Around… Arizona’s Route 66 Initiative Tackles Forgotten Gas Stations on a Highway of History”
Other articles include, “Colorado’s Historic Byways Revitalization Initiative,” “Are We to Become “Children of the Corn” ?,” and “Beware the Unintended Consequences of Manifolding.”
#52/May 2006
Cover Story: “So What About Those E10 and E85 Fuels?”
Other articles include, “Is Your UST System Ethanol Compatible?,” “What a Tank Operator Needs to Know,” and “Subsurface Vapor Attenuation- Update on Risk Pathway.”
#51/December 2005
Cover Story: “Tanks in the Wake: A Postmortem of Katrina, Rita, Wilma.”
Other articles include, “Who’s on First-Energy Policy Act,” “LUST and Fuel Harmony,” and “Case for Multicomponent Analysis of Gasoline.” Additional online only supplements: Mississippi UST Facilities Impacted by Hurricane Katrina: A Photo Essay.” and “Michigan’s Noninvasive UST Assessment Odyssey,”.
#50/August 2005 20th Anniversary Issue
Cover Story: “We Hope LUSTLine Will Be Useful…” (a look at how far the publication-and tanks programs-have come since NEIWPCC published issue #1 in 1985).
Other articles include, “California’s Designated UST Operator Program,” “Tanks on Tribal Lands,” and “EDB at South Carolina LUST Sites.”
Issues #49-40/2005-2002
#49/March 2005
Cover Story: “Environmental Forensics: Chemical Fingerprinting Gasoline and Diesel Fuel at LUST Sites.”
Other articles include, “Age-Dating Releases at LUST Sites: Part 2-Case Studies,” “Vapor Attenuation in Petroleum Hydrocarbon Sources,” and “Maryland’s MtBE Journey.”
#48/November 2004
Cover Story: 20 Years of LUST Busting: The Changes, the Joys, the Frustrations. the Future?
Other articles include, “Age-Dating Releases at LUST Sites: Part 1-Lead Fingerprints,” “Collecting Reliable Soil-Gas Data-Vapor Intrusion FAQs,” and “Spill Buckets: Mistaken Expectations?”
#47/June 2004
Cover Story: “Where are the Sites? The Emerging Context for ‘USTfields’ ” by Charlie Bartsch.
Other articles include “Lead Scavengers: A Leaded Gasoline Legacy?”, “Tracking Troubling Vapor Releases in New Hampshire,” and “The Limits of Leak Detection.” An online-only supplement, featuring a series of detailed photographs of pipes and sumps, is also now available.
#46/March 2004
Cover story: Finishing Strong: A Glance Back, A Look Forward at the UST/LUST Program
Other articles include: Enhanced Leak Detection in California – What We’ve Learned; Flux Redux: Using Mass Flux to Improve Cleanup Conditions; and Tracking Institutional Controls: Connecting Exposure-Management Decisions with Land-Use Decisions.
#45/October 2003
Cover story: Oh What a Tangled Web! Gasoline Oxygenates, Petroleum Distribution Networks, and Detections in Groundwater at LUST Sites
Other articles include: To Drinking Water, with Love; LUST Innovations, TRIAD, and Computer Imaging Move LUST Site Investigation into the 21st Century; and Garbage In, Garbage Out: The Trouble with Modeling the Behavior of MTBE in the Environment.
#44/July 2003
Cover story: A Hot Dog by Any Other Name Could Be Your Drinking Water
Other articles include: NEIWPCC Survey Paints a Complex Picture of Oxygenates at LUST Sites: Part 1; An Overview at Treatment Technologies for MTBE and Alternative Oxygenates in Groundwater; and How to Collect Reliable Soil-Gas Data for Upward Risk Assessments – Part 2: Surface Flux Chamber Method.
#43/March 2003
Cover story: Reaching the Goal Effectively and Efficiently: The Path Not Yet Taken
Other articles include: Keeping the Tortoise in Shape, Mississippi and Florida Notify UST Owners and Contractors about Flex-Pipe Concerns; and Over Pressurization Problem Baffles Tank Owner.
#42/October 2002
Cover story: Analytical Methods for Fuel Oxygenates
Other articles include: How to Collect Reliable Soil-Gas Data for Risk-Based Applications; The Eleven Myths About MTBE; and Flexible Pipe Concerns Drive Home the Need for Tank-Owner Vigilance.
#41/June 2002
Cover story: Looking for Leaks in All the Wrong Places
Other articles include: “We’ve Shown Em Our Backs Long Enough!” It’s Time to Rededicate Ourselves to Tough Enforcement; Reevaluating the Upward Vapor Migration Risk Pathway; and All Aboard the UST Train.
#40/March 2002
Cover story: Tanks at Ground Zero
Other articles include: When MTBE Struck Pascoag, RI; Do Monitoring Wells Monitor Well?; and Natural Attenuation: Is Dilution the Solution?
Issues #39-30/2001-1998
#39/November 2001
Cover story: USTs – A View from Europe
Other articles include: The Use of Fuel Oxygenates in the European Union; The MTBE Litigation Frenzy; and EPA Issues Boutique Fuels Report.
#38/June 2001
Cover story: Live and Learn: With Federal UST Regulations More Than 15 Years Old, It’s High Time to Heed What We’ve Learned in the Meantime
Other articles include: The Sense of Secondary Containment; Selling the Healthy Choice; and Indoor Air Pathway Risks.
#37/March 2001
Cover story: Setting Our Sights on Operational Compliance
Other articles include: Privatizing UST Compliance Inspections: Alaska’s Third-Party Inspection Program; Plugging the Holes in Our UST Systems; and Taking the Pulse of Maine’s CP Tanks.
#36/November 2000
Cover story: The Future is Coming to a Website Near You
Other articles include: The Subsurface Fate of Ethanol; Book Review: “Nothing But the Truth” Uses MTBE as its Weapon of Choice; and Diving Plumes and Vertical Migration at Petroleum Hydrocarbon Release Sites.
#35/June 2000
Cover story: FR Stands for What?
Other articles include: The Problem with Sumps; New California Law Focuses on the Human Side of UST Systems; and Vermont Loan Program is Expanded to Encourage Upgrade of “Guinea Pig” Technologies.
#34/February 2000
Cover story: Abandoned Gas Stations – By Any Other Name – Are Still a Cause for Concern
Other articles include: Tertiary Butyl Alcohol (TBA); Combatting Cleanup Fund Fraud and Abuse PFP-Style; and Room for Improvement.
#33/October 1999
Cover story: EPA’s Blue Ribbon Panel Takes on the MTBE Specter
Other articles include: A Drinking Water Standard for MTBE? The Ifs and Whens of Establishing an MCL; Are Upgraded UST Systems Leaking? The Santa Clara Valley Water District’s Study; and Explosion Ruptures Two Tanks During Video Inspection at St. Louis Service Station.
#32/June 1999
Cover story: UST Program Direction for 1999 and Beyond
Other articles include: UST System Performance Evaluation; Tanks Down East: Convenience is Nice, But UST Systems Aren’t Potato Chips; and With the Possible Phase Out of MTBE, What Do We Know About Ethanol?
#31/March 1999
Cover story: Now That the ’98 Deadline Has Come and Gone…How’s It Going?
Other articles include: MTBE- That Four Letter Abbreviation; Hmm…If Only Overfill Prevention Worked!; and Which Compound Requires More Attorneys: MTBE or Benzene?
#30/September 1998
Cover story: When Push Comes to Shove
Other articles include: ’98 Deadline: Enforcement Strategy Samplers; The Holes in Our UST Systems; and What State Cleanup Funds Can Learn from Medicare.
Issues 29-20/1998-1994
#29/June 1998
Cover story: Command and Control of Vapors at UST Work Sites
Other articles include: From Out of the Depths: Aboveground Fuel Storage Systems Take Off Running; Of Blabbermouths and Tattletales: The Life and Times of Automatic Line Leak Detectors; and Communicating Environmental Risk.
#28/February 1998
Cover story: Institutional Controls: A Means to an End at LUST Sites
Other articles include: Natural Attenuation: EPA’s New Policy Directive Vis a Vis ASTM’s New Industry Standard; To Methanol Preserve or Not to Methanol Preserve?; and MTBE and UST Systems: A Question of Compatibility.
#27/November 1997
Cover story: Where Does the Buck Stop, After All? Indiana Court of Appeals Rules on the Lingering Issue of Liability
Other articles include: EPA Issues Guidance on Alternative Integrity Assessment Methods for Steel Tanks; Piping’s Progress; and The Upward Migration of Vapors.
#26/July 1997
Cover story: Is Leak Detection Working?
Other articles include: Petroleum Marketers Promote P2 with Farm Customers; O…Yeah…The Chemical Tanks: Chemical Bulk Storage a la New York State; and Georgia Takes an Innovative Approach to Managing and Financing Compliance and Corrective Action at State-Owned UST Facilities.
#25/December 1996
Cover story: A Matter of Survival
Other articles include: Drinking Water SRFs; Testing Cathodic Protection Systems; and When Bad Things Happen to Silts and Clays.
#24/July 1996
Cover story: Assembling the Players: UST/LUST Program Partnerships and Parleys
Other articles include: Tank Racer: EPA/Air Force Partnership to Improve Cost Estimation for LUST Cleanups; MTBE…If Ye Seek it, Ye May Well Find it…And Then What?; and The ABCs of ATGs.
#23/January 1996
Cover story: Rust Thou Art and to Rust Thou Shalt Return, Unless…(Corrosion)
Other articles include: Upgrade Now…or Repent Later: Corrosion Waits for No One;
State Funds: A Bumpy Road; and Fear and Trembling in SIR-Land.
#22/June 1995
Cover story: Serving Up USTs on a Silver Platter: Is the Stage Set for the Insurance Industry’s Return?
Other articles include: Assessing the Risk of RBCA; A Regulator’s Concerns with SIR; and How to Pick ‘Em: Questions to Ask When Selecting an UST Installer.
#21/December 1994
Cover story: What’s All the Fuss About?
Other articles include: The Model ASTM “Tiered” Approach; Risk-Based Corrective Action: The Top Ten Misconceptions; and Three Variations on the Theme of Cost Recovery.
#20/June 1994
Cover story: To Dream the Possible Dream: UST Compliance
Other articles include: Tanks in Floods; EPA Proposes UST Lender Liability Rule; and Those Tanks in America’s Backyards and Basements.
Issues #19-10/1994-1989
#19/January 1994
Cover story: Stop the World… It’s Time to Step Off and Regroup
Other articles include: Beyond Cleanups for Cleanup’s Sake; UST-Related Standard Development Under ASTM; and Breaking Out of That New Technology Catch-22.
#18/April 1993
Cover story: Taking Aim at Site Cleanup
Other articles include: What’s Your Sampling Interval?; Overfill Prevention: Are We There Yet?; and Field Testing Secondary Containment Systems.
#17/October 1992
Cover story: When Necessity is the Mother of Invention
Other articles include: Kansas Trust Fund Program Moves Toward More Effective Cleanup Scenario; Controlling UST Cleanup Costs; and EPA Takes Steps to Ease Anxiety Over Lender Liability.
#16/March 1992
Cover story: ASTs…The Hot Alternative to USTs
Other articles include: Cutting the High Cost of Free Product Removal; COLIS Update: EPA’s Computerized Online Information Systems Offers; and OSHA, LUST, & Remediation.
#15/September 1991
Cover story: Streamline: To Make Simple or More Efficient
Other articles include: Streamlining the Technical Process at LUST Sites; Beyond Hunches…LUST Field Investigation Techniques for Regulatory Agencies; and From Tanker Truck to Tank: What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
#14/March 1991
Cover story: The Search for the Honest Tank
Other articles include: Inventory Control: The Untold Story; Contractor Certification Programs Bloom and Grow; and Petroleum Marketers Seek New Federal Financial Responsibility Legislation.
#13/August 1990
Cover story: A Hazardous Waste, or What?
Other articles include: Heading off LUST at the Border; Soil Treatment on the Big Peninsula: A Chronicle of Florida’s Petroleum Contaminated Soils; and Lab Bypass Procedures.
#12/February 1990
Cover story: To Thine Own Tank be True
Other articles include: Monitoring the Monitoring: Inspecting Vapor Monitoring Systems; The Leak Detection Dilemma; and The LUST Trust Beat.
#11/August 1989
Cover story: Nabbing Truant Tanks with Timely Tickets
Other articles include: New Insurers Enter UST Market; States Move Ahead with Financial Assurance Programs; and Grandaddy of Installer Certification Programs Lookin’ Good.
#10/February 1989
Cover story: Right Behind Your Nose All Along
Other articles include: EPA’s Financial Responsibility Rule Hits the Streets; The Edison Study is Out Tra La; and Pumping Product.
Issues #9-1/1988-1985
#9/September 1988
Cover story: …And Away We Go! EPA Lays Down the Basics on Tank Regulation
Other articles include: Musts for USTs…At a Glance; Tank Lining…A Viable Upgrade or Repair Option; and The Spill that Broke the Camel’s Back on Olde Cape Cod: Local Regulation of Home Heating Oil Tanks.
#8/May 1988
Cover story: Hey, You with the Tank…Comply or Cry!
Other articles include: First EPA Consent Orders Issued; A Financial Responsibility Breather?; and Breaking with Tradition: New Risk Retention Group Could be Insurance Beacon for Other Trade Groups.
#7/December 1987
Cover story: Here a Tank, There a Tank, Everywhere a…Tank Removal and Abandonment
Other articles include: EPA Requests Comments on Six New Issues; Insurance Unavailability Hampers Financial Responsibility Timetable; and Spill Prevention…The Other Side of the Coin.
#6/July 1987
Cover story: Chug, Chug! Puff, Puff!…Pulling UST’s Up, Over and Into the Land of Insurability
Other articles include: The Gist of the UST Public Hearings; First LUST Trust Cooperative Agreements Signed; and Having Vapors…Assessing the Risks.
#5/March 1987
Cover story: Can the LUST Trust Help Bust LUST’s?
Other articles include: Proposed Financial Responsibility Rule Flexible, But Firm; What the UST Owner Needs to Know about Installation; and EPA Tallies Exempt Farm & Heating Oil Tanks.
#4/October 1986
Cover story: Tank Disposal… An Issue Caught in the Regulatory Cracks
Other articles include: Maine Tank Removal Accident Prompts Words of Precaution; A Tank Disposal Solution in Chicopee, Mass; and Treating LUST Contaminated Soil.
#3/May 1986
Cover story: The ‘Force’ Behind OUST
Other articles include: Secondary Containment…Required in 4 States; EPA Release Incident Study; and Fate, Transport and Lust.
#2/December 1985
Cover story: EPA Creates OUST
Other articles include: Moving Right Along with Notification; State UST Program Funding Mechanisms; and Corrective Action in Connecticut’s New UST Regulations.
#1/August 1985
Cover story: LUSTLine to Communicate with States on UST Program
Other articles include: UST Notification Requirement Approaching Completion; UST Regulation Development and Notification Schedule; and New Requirements in Effect for UST Installations.