Below is a list of available Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) site management resources, including training courses, videos, publications, and surveys. Courses are available online and/or in person.

LUST Site Management Webinars

NEIWPCC works with partners to develop training webinars aimed at a national audience of state and tribal LUST project managers. The goal of NEIWPCC’s UST webinars is to improve UST program performance, educate UST inspectors on policy and UST systems and equipment, and ultimately prevent UST releases to the environment.

There are no upcoming webinars at this time

Underground storage tank and excavation with black sludge at base

Past Webinars

LUST webinars and videos hosted by NEIWPCC.

Date LUST Webinar Title Speaker(s) Keywords
2023-Aug Treatment Trains Tom Fox, CO CDLE, Debra Thoma, SCDHEC, Ed Winner, RPI Group, Inc LUST, UST, Contamination, Remediation, excavation, ORC, gas stations, petroleum, HRSC
2022-Oct Site Assessment II: High Resolution Site Characterization West Johnson, Columbia Technologies, LLC
Mark Junker, Sac and Fox Nation of MO in KS and NE
Corie White, SC DHEC
LUST, UST, contamination, site assessment, petroleum remediation, gas stations, HRSC, CSM
2022-Oct Site Assessment I: Bedrock Sites Todd Halihan, Oklahoma State University
Nathan Thacker, AST Environmental
Dale Werkema, U.S. EPA
LUST, UST, contamination, site assessment, petroleum remediation, gas stations, HRSC, CSM, bedrock sites
2021-Nov Air Sparge, Soil Vapor Extraction, and Dual-phase Extraction at LUST Sites Edward Tung, MK Environmental, Inc.
Matthew Lahvis, Shell
LUST, UST, contamination, site assessment, petroleum remediation, gas stations, AS, SVE, VOCs
2020-Sept Collaborating Across Regulatory Programs to Achieve Shared Goals Kris Shiffer, PA DEP
Suzanne Connelly, NH DES
Meredith Love, SC DHEC
LUST, UST, contamination, site assessment, petroleum remediation, gas stations, collaboration
2020-Oct LUST Corrective Action: Resources, Case Study, and a Discussion on Remedial Design Characterization and In-Situ Remedial Methods Kristopher McCandless, VA DEQ
Vicki Voisard, KY DEP
Bill Brab, CPG, AST Environmental, Inc.
LUST, UST, contamination, site assessment, petroleum remediation, gas stations, corrective action
2020-Nov Changing Fuel Consumption, COVID-19, and Other Challenges – Perspectives on the State of State Funds and Environmental Insurance Will Anderson, EPA OUST
Emma Krulick, EPA OUST
Mahesh Albuquerque, Colorado OPS
Therron Blatter, Utah DEQ
Greg Travis, Berkley Environmental
David Wattles, Idaho PSTF
Robert Winterburn,  Chubb Environmental
LUST, UST, contamination, site assessment, petroleum remediation, gas stations, covid-19, emerginig trends
2020-May CT Success Story: Bridgewater Convenience Store Allison Lauippa, CT DEEP LUST, UST, contamination, site assessment, petroleum remediation, gas stations, CT
2020-May What Could Possibly Go Wrong? Joe Cunningham, RIDEM LUST, UST, contamination, site assessment, petroleum remediation, gas stations, RI
2020-Jun Evaluating Remediation Workplans Tom Fox, CO Division of Oil & Public Safety
Bill Brasher, CA State Water Resources Control Board
LUST, UST, contamination, site assessment, petroleum remediation, gas stations, project management
2020-Jun Lessons Learned from Using HRSC at LUST Sites John Sohl, Columbia Technologies
Dorothy Malaier, Alabama Department of Environmental Management
Ashleigh Thrash, South Carolina Department of Health & Environmental Control
LUST, UST, contamination, site assessment, petroleum remediation, gas stations, HRSC
2019-Jul Risk Based Corrective Action – Unit 2 Ravi Arulanantham, Geosyntec Consultants
Matthew Cohen, CA State WRCB
Hannah Phillips, CO DLE-Div of Oil & Public Safety
Laura Luther, MO DNR-DEQ
LUST, UST, contamination, site assessment, petroleum remediation, gas stations, RBCA, risk assessment
2018-Sep PVIScreen Model – Take the Deep Knowledge Plunge with This Workshop (NTC 2018) Jim Weaver, US EPA
John Menatti, UT DEQ
Tom Walker, US EPA
LUST, UST, contamination, site assessment, petroleum remediation, gas stations, PVI, vapor intrusion
2017-Oct Risk Based Corrective Action – Unit 1 Ravi Arulanantham, Geosyntec Consultants
Atul Salhotra, RAM Group, Inc.
LUST, UST, contamination, site assessment, petroleum remediation, gas stations, RBCA, risk assessment
2017-May LNAPL Conceptual Site Models Rick Ahlers and Jeffrey McDonough, Arcadis LUST, UST, contamination, site assessment, petroleum remediation, gas stations, LNAPL, floating product, free product, light non-aqueous phase liquid, CSM, HRSC
2016-Sept Emerging Cleanup Technology Noel Shenoi, CalClean, Inc.
Tom Fox, CO Division of Oil and Public Safety
Edward Winner, KY UST Branch
LUST, UST, contamination, site assessment, petroleum remediation, gas stations, emergining technologies
2016-Jul Smart Characterization – The New Era of Site Investigations Nick Welty & Rick Ahlers, Arcadis LUST, UST, contamination, site assessment, petroleum remediation, gas stations, HRSC, emergining technologies
2015-Jan Effective Use of High Resolution Tools for LNAPL Cost Management John Sohl & Roger Lamb, COLUMBIA Technologies LUST, UST, contamination, site assessment, petroleum remediation, gas stations, HRSC, cost management, LNAPL, floating product, free product, light non-aqueous phase liquid
2012-Jun Petroleum Vapor Intrusion Tom Walker, EPA OUST
Robin Davis, UT DEQ
Blayne Hartman, Hartman Environmental Geoscience
Todd Ririe, BP
LUST, UST, contamination, site assessment, petroleum remediation, gas stations, PVI, vapor intrusion

Additional Resources

Interstate Technology Council (ITRC) Webinars

ITRC offers free webinars and trainings on LUST-related topics. Information on upcoming and past webinars is available on their website.

ASTSWMO Webinars

The Association of State and Territorial Solid Waste Management Officials (ASTSWMO) offers free UST and LUST webinar training opportunities.


What Do We Have Here?

This video was produced in 2013 and Underground Storage Tank (UST) regulations have been updated since that time. NEIWPCC created a training video that covers the nature of petroleum, site assessment at tank closure, inspection equipment, field observations and analysis, planning and decision-making, and site closure. It also covers the basics of sampling and handling soil and water for field testing and transport.


2006 NEIWPCC Survey: State Experiences with Petroleum and Hazardous
Substance Releases at LUST Sites, Heating Oil Tanks, and Out of Service Tanks

In 2006, NEIWPCC received a grant from the U.S. EPA Office of Underground Storage Tanks to develop and conduct a national survey. The survey addressed primarily topical LUST-related issues, but also other programmatic areas that would help provide insight into state experiences. All 50 states responded to the survey electronically, allowing readers to view the raw and compiled data. Some survey questions paralleled those asked in the 2003 survey; all results from the 2006 survey are compared in the “State Response Summary” and the “Survey Report” attachments.

2006 NEI Survey Report
Survey State Contact List
State Standards
2006 Survey Summary

2003 NEIWPCC Survey: Survey of State Experiences with MTBE and Other Oxygenate Contamination at LUST Sites

In 2002, NEIWPCC received a grant from the EPA Office of Underground Storage Tanks to develop and conduct a national survey to determine how MtBE and other oxygenate contamination affected state LUST programs and the cleanup of contaminated sites. The survey focused on the following oxygenates: methyl tertiary-butyl ether (MtBE),
tertiary-butyl alcohol (TBA), ethanol, tert-amyl methyl ether (TAME), ethyl tertiary-butyl ether (EtBE), and diisopropyl ether (DIPE). This survey was a follow-up to the 2000 NEIWPCC survey that focused primarily on MtBE. As with the 2000 survey, responses were received from all 50 states.

Executive Summary
Summary Report
Survey Results

2000 NEIWPCC Survey: A Survey of State Experiences with MtBE Contamination at LUST Sites

NEIWPCC received a grant from the EPA Office of Underground Storage Tanks to conduct a survey of all 50 states to determine how MtBE contamination affected state LUST programs and the cleanup of contaminated sites. The following summary of state responses provides a fairly comprehensive snapshot of state experiences with MtBE to date. Survey questions covered topics including State MtBE standards, MtBE analysis, MtBE site assessment, MtBE remediation, other oxygenates, GIS, and information needs.

Executive Summary
Survey Results