Apart from NEIWPCC’s Executive Committee and Commissioner meetings, no single part of our work embodies better a mission of regional collaboration and state-federal engagement than the NEIWPCC workgroups.
These groups are organized around such critical topics as contaminants of emerging concern, wetlands, and groundwater and source water protection.
At meetings, typically twice annually, the state-agency staff members who are tasked with these issues sit down with their peers from other states in the region and with federal officials, NEIWPCC staff members, and other practitioners to grapple with the ongoing and latest issues and trends in the field.
Workgroups and Collaboratives
- Chlorides collaborative
- Contaminants of emerging concern
- Harmful algal blooms (HABs)
- Long Island Sound nitrogen coordination
- Massachusetts Wastewater Training Advisory Committee
- National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)
- New England Biological Assessment of Wetlands (NEBAWWG)
- Nonpoint source pollution (NPS)
- Northeast aquatic biologists
- Onsite wastewater
- Source water protection
- Stormwater
- Total Maximum Daily Load (Pollution Budgets)
- Underground Storage Tanks (UST/LUST)
- Underground Storage Tanks Tribal workgroup
- Volunteer monitoring
- Wastewater residuals
- Wastewater training and certification
- Water quality standards
- Wetlands