NEIWPCC, through a grant from EPA, hosts a webinar series focused on key topics for state, territory, and tribal 303(d) and TMDL programs and other partners who work with these programs.

The series of informational webinars began in 2016 through a cooperative agreement with EPA. NEIWPCC convenes a planning team of state and EPA staff to discuss topics and the framework for future webinars to make the series as valuable as possible to our target audiences.

Sign up for email updates about the webinar series.

There are no scheduled webinars at this time.

Apply to Present a Webinar

Are you doing interesting work related to TMDLs or the 303(d) Program? Tell us your idea and you could present at our next webinar!

Webinars should be relevant to people working in state, tribal, or federal 303(d) and TMDL programs. We welcome applications from anyone interested in presenting and are able to provide funding of up to $1,500 to eligible applicants. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis; the planning team reviews them quarterly and will reach out to applicants as they are selected.

For more information, read the full request for proposals. To apply, visit our call for applications page or email us with information about your idea.

For additional information about this project, the application process, or upcoming webinars, contact Beth Malcolm.

Webinar Archives

View the TMDL webinar library to find information and links to recordings of our previous webinars. You can also watch most of the webinars on our YouTube channel.

NEIWPCC and the EPA do not directly or indirectly endorse any product, service, or any other entity mentioned in any of the programs in this series.