License Renewal Information for Title 5 Soil Evaluators (SEs) and System Inspectors (SIs) in Massachusetts.

Current SE and SI License Renewals

The Mass Title 5 SEs and SIs renewal cycle for June 30, 2025 began in mid-March when we mailed out the first notices. If you have moved recently, please email to verify your mailing address. Second Notices will be sent out the first week of June.

Active SEs and SIs need to earn 10 Training Contact Hours (TCHs) during the period of July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2025. Please note that the approved training list below includes live in-person training, live online training and self-paced online training. Training facilities that provide self-paced online training at any time include NOWRA, Infiltrator, NEOWTC URI, and others. This list was last updated March 25, 2025.

Renewal Process

Under Title 5, all SIs and SEs must renew their approvals on a 3-year cycle. To renew your SE or SI license, submit a renewal form by mail or email (sent to you by NEIWPCC prior to expiration date), along with the appropriate fee. If this is NOT your first renewal (i.e. 2nd, 3rd, etc.) submit copies of 10 training contact hours (TCHs) along with the renewal form and fee. You will then receive an updated wallet card from NEIWPCC a few weeks later. Any SE or SI who does not submit a renewal with payment will have their license revoked and must retake the examination(s) to regain their approval. TCHs are not required for your first license renewal or inactive SEs and SIs.

If you do not renew your SE or SI license you will not be authorized to conduct Title 5 system inspections or soil evaluations. 

Inactive Status

You can renew as INACTIVE. Inactive SEs and SIs cannot perform evaluations or inspections. As long as you keep renewing every three years as required you do not have to earn any TCHs. To change your approval to INACTIVE status check the inactive box on your invoice.

To return to ACTIVE status, complete 10 TCHs and fill out a status change form. Mail the completed form with copies of your training certificates and a $25 admin fee to NEIWPCC, as detailed on the form. Note: TCHs need to be taken in the same year as the request (old training cannot be used). 

First-Time Renewals

For first-time renewals (anyone expiring on a date other than June 30), download and print the appropriate form below and follow the instructions.

Contact Us

Please direct all questions to NEIWPCC by emailing with your SE and/or SI approval number.

Looking for training contact hour (TCH) approval?

Trainers should fill out this request for TCH evaluation form.