NEIWPCC Headquarters (Lowell, Mass.)

Christina Stringer
Director of Wastewater & Onsite Programs
978-349-2513 |
Christina oversees NEIWPCC’s work related to wastewater management, regional environmental training, environmental professional certification, onsite/decentralized wastewater, and underground storage tanks. She manages the development and revision of technical guidance documents related to wastewater, and serves as the technical adviser on program issues. Christina joined NEIWPCC in June 2018 as part of the Water Resource Protection division, and transitioned to her current position in January of 2021. She earned her Ph.D. in Geology from the University of South Florida. [Full bio]

Shelley Basara
Information Officer
978-349-2524 |
Shelley supports NEIWPCC’s contracting and legal efforts that fund environmental projects throughout our region. She works collaboratively with internal and external partners and provides administrative support, including data management, tracking deliverables, analyzing compliance, processing contract packages and invoices, and more. Shelley joined NEIWPCC in July 2024 and has a B.A. in Organizational Leadership from the University of Oklahoma.

Ryan Buckley
Environmental Analyst
978-349-4318 |
Ryan provides support to NEIWPCC’s training programs. He helps to coordinate virtual and in-person courses by hosting classes, providing technical support to students and trainers, maintaining course materials, and assisting with the development of upcoming training opportunities, initiatives, and resources. He also supports NEIWPCC’s certification programs as needed, with training and exam coordination and support. Ryan joined NEIWPCC in January of 2023, and holds a B.S. in Environmental Sciences from the University of Vermont.

Shelly Clark
Contracts Manager
Contract and Budget Administration
978-349-2521 |
Shelly handles the administration of special projects, grants, and contracts associated with NEIWPCC programs. This includes drafting and reviewing agreements, monitoring contracts, ensuring compliance with grant requirements, and submitting grant applications. Before joining NEIWPCC in early 2014, Shelly worked for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Developmental Services Employment and Labor Department. She holds a J.D. from the New England Law. [Full bio]

Ashley Harrington
Information Officer
978-349-2517 |
Ashley provides support to NEIWPCC’s training and certification programs. She helps to coordinate virtual and in-person courses by hosting classes, providing technical support to students and trainers, maintaining course materials, and assisting with the development of upcoming training opportunities, initiatives, and resources. She also supports NEIWPCC’s certification programs with training and exam coordination and support. Ashley joined NEIWPCC in October of 2021, and graduated from Old Colony Regional Vocational Technical High School in Rochester, MA.

Michelle (Shelly) Jenkins
Information Officer
978-349-2516 |
Shelly coordinates the Massachusetts Wastewater Certification and Renewal Program and the Massachusetts Title 5 Certification Renewal and Training Program. She also coordinates with Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) Board of Certification on status changes and emergency applications and provides them with approved renewals and issues. Shelly processes applications and renewals for all Massachusetts Certified System Inspectors and Soil Evaluators, as well. Shelly first joined NEIWPCC in 2003 as an administrative assistant and was promoted to her current role in August 2019. She holds an Executive Secretarial Program Certificate from the Burdett School in Boston.

Jennifer Lichtensteiger
Environmental Engineer
978-349-2518 |
As an Environmental Engineer, Jennifer identifies and addresses regional priorities for wastewater residuals with NEIWPCC’s Workgroup and Commissioners, sharing perspectives, collaborating, and engaging with stakeholders locally and nationally. In addition, Jennifer’s responsibilities include management training programs for the Massachusetts and Connecticut wastewater operators and municipal wastewater projects, such as revising technical guides. Jennifer joined NEIWPCC in July 2018. She holds an M.S. in Civil Engineering from the University of New Hampshire. [Full bio]

James Plummer
Environmental Analyst
978-349-2520 |
James manages NEIWPCC’s underground and leaking underground storage tanks (UST/LUST) programs. Working in coordination with the U.S. EPA, his efforts bring together federal, state, and Tribal partners from across the country to improve the prevention and cleanup of releases from USTs. In this capacity, James plans and implements the National Tanks Conference, oversees the production of the LUSTLine bulletin, coordinates UST and LUST trainings and webinars, and serves as the technical coordinator for the Tribal UST/LUST Workgroup and the EPA Region 1 UST/LUST Workgroup. Prior to this role, James coordinated programs around the State Revolving Fund and nonpoint source pollution. Before joining NEIWPCC full time in December 2017, James interned for two summers as the coordinator for the Youth and the Environment Program. James holds a B.S. in biology from the University of Tampa and enjoys birds, board games and live music. [Full bio]

Brian Scovel
Staff Attorney (Program Manager)
978-349-2506 |
Brian provides legal expertise on a wide range of topics including policy matters of significant importance. He oversees our contracts management activities, assists with negotiations and interpretations, and monitors relevant legislation. Brian also oversees NEIWPCC’s activities associated with New York City’s Capital Replacement Program and provides legal expertise on projects throughout NEIWPCC’s programs. Brian joined NEIWPCC in August of 2024, and earned his Juris Doctor from the University of New Hampshire Franklin Pierce School of Law, and B.S. in global business from the University of Redlands. [Full bio]

Daphne Short
Environmental Analyst
978-323-7929 |
Daphne provides support to NEIWPCC’s training programs. She helps to coordinate virtual and in-person courses, hosting classes, providing technical support to students and trainers, maintaining course materials, and assisting with the development of upcoming training opportunities, initiatives, and resources. She also supports NEIWPCC’s certification programs as needed, with training and exam coordination and support. Daphne joined NEIWPCC in September of 2024, and holds a B.S. in Environmental Science with a Geoscience concentration form the University of Texas at El Paso.
South Portland, Maine Office

Peter Zaykoski
NEIWPCC Program Manager;
South Portland Program Manager
207-253-8020 |
Peter serves as the program manager for NEIWPCC’s South Portland Office. He oversees the NPS program, ME Certification and Licensing program, and NEIWPCC’s work supporting the Joint Environmental Training Coordinating Committee (JETCC). In this capacity, he develops and delivers environmental training programs and seminars, prepares and reviews reference materials, and provides support to the JETCC Board of Directors. Peter joined NEIWPCC’s Water Resource Protection Division in September 2018 and took on the role of South Portland Program Manager in May 2022. He received his master’s from Duke University in Environmental Management with a Geospatial Analysis Certificate. [Full bio]

Spring Connolly
NEIWPCC Information Officer
207-253-8020 |
Spring manages NEIWPCC’s work with Maine DEP to administer Maine’s Wastewater Operator Certification Program, including fielding inquiries from Maine’s operators and maintaining all records for the program. She also works with DEP on their non-point source erosion control training program. She provides support for JETCC training programs, including hosting classes, managing registrations, maintaining the website, and designing many of the program’s publications. Spring also coordinate’s NEIWPCC’s Training and Certification Workgroup and Regional Management School Workgroup. Spring joined NEIWPCC in 2009. She’s a graduate of Kearns High School in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Independent Environmental Monitors

Linda Allen
NEIWPCC New York City CSO Project Director;
NYC CSO Monitoring Program
518-402-8234 |
A NEIWPCC employee since 2009, Linda monitors and reviews New York City’s efforts to comply with requirements of the city’s Amended Combined Sewer Overflow Consent Order. She reviews plans and specifications, engineering reports, studies, and analytical data associated with CSO abatement projects required under the order. Linda also reviews waterbody/watershed facility plans and long-term control plans to assess water quality standards compliance. She holds an M.S. in Environmental Engineering from the University of California and a Ph.D. in Public Policy from Indiana University and is a licensed professional engineer in civil engineering and mechanical engineering.

Daniel (Don) Flannery
NEIWPCC Environmental Engineer;
718-482-6963 |
Don, who joined NEIWPCC in November 2017, monitors the progress of and reviews and comments on New York City’s efforts to implement capital projects required by the New York City Amended Consent Order (ACO). ACO projects include large regional CSO abatement facilities and sewer separation and treatment plant upgrades. Don reviews plans and specifications for compliance with ten state standards and NYS DEC rules and regulations and conducts field inspections for progress and final acceptance. Don holds a M.S. in Water Resources and Environmental Engineering from Villanova University.

Nathan Roberts
NEIWPCC Environmental Engineer;
Nathan helps to oversee an administrative consent order to abate combined sewer overflows (CSOs) within the New York City watershed. He conducts monthly field inspections of active construction projects to monitor compliance in accordance with CSO Order milestones and prepares inspection reports documenting the status of construction and any issues that might impact timely completion of projects. He also participates in planning and design meetings with internal and external partners to further the program. Nathan holds a B.S. in Environmental Resources Engineering from SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry and joined NEIWPCC in September of 2024.
New York State Dept. of Environmental Conservation, Division of Water

Debra Hanas
NEIWPCC Environmental Analyst;
NYSDEC Onondaga Lake/Health & Safety Coordinator
315-426-7457 |
Debra serves as the NYSDEC Division of Water Onondaga Lake Watershed/Health and Safety Coordinator. She oversees project schedules to verify compliance with Amended Consent Judgment milestones, assists with developing an Onondaga Lake Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL), helps with Onondaga Lake watershed planning, develops health and safety policies, and implements safety training programs. A NEIWPCC staff member since 2004, Debra holds a B.S. in Environmental Studies from the SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry.
New York City Dept. of Environmental Protection, Capital Replacement Program

Felix Gonzalez
NEIWPCC Environmental Analyst
845-340-7892 |
Felix assists with the assessment, replacement, and maintenance of wastewater treatment infrastructure within the New York City water supply watershed. He performs site inspections, coordinates with WWTP owners and DEP compliance staff, prepares and reviews progress reports, and tracks program budgets and program progress. He also reviews contract documents and evaluates scopes of work for eligible projects. Felix joined NEIWPCC in October of 2024, and has a BS in Health Science from Mercy College and is pursuing a MS in Environmental Science from Pace University.

Shotoya Simmons
NEIWPCC Accountant
845-340-7892 |
Shotoya supports the Capital Replacement Program with NYCDEP by performing detailed financial processes. She prepares operations and maintenance (O&M) documents, reviews expenditures, tracks annual budgets, and performs reconciliations. She also prepares quarterly reports, maintains accurate documentation on accounts, and assists with meetings as needed. She joined NEIWPCC in June 2022, and holds an Associate of Science degree in Business Administration from the University College of the Commonwealth Caribbean.
Maine Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), Drinking Water Program

Peter Bernard
NEIWPCC Environmental Analyst
207-287-6471 |
As an Environmental Analyst for the Maine DHHS Drinking Water Program, Peter works with the Information Management Team to provide compliance support for the Drinking Water Program and the Subsurface Wastewater Unit. Peter assists with development, production, and distribution of DWP media and oversees the Subsurface Wastewater permitting process including communication and education with towns regarding issues and/or errors with permits or payments. Peter joined NEIWPCC in January 2016.

Gregory Connors
NEIWPCC Environmental Analyst, Senior DWSRF Financial Analyst
Gregory supports Maine’s Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF), helping to ensure safe drinking water and providing essential public health protection. Gregory plans, oversees, and approves project applications and related documents to ensure compliance with state and federal laws, rules, and regulations and determines eligibility of grant and loan proposals. He processes payment requests for capital projects, grant awards and set-aside services providers, and drafts regulations and policies to administer a variety of DWSRF programs. Gregory joined NEIWPCC in June 2023 and holds a bachelor’s in business administration from the University of Maine at Orono, and a master’s in public policy and management from University of Southern Maine.

Ellen Daly
NEIWPCC Environmental Analyst
207-287-4484 |
Ellen works with the Data Management and Program Support Team providing data entry, research, and analysis. As a Data Specialist, she adds and maintains inventory data in the Maine Drinking Water Program’s database and provides quality control in the document management system. In addition, she assists data management staff with monthly public water systems sampling compliance. Ellen joined NEIWPCC in October 2018. She holds a bachelor’s degree in human services from New Hampshire College (now Southern New Hampshire University).

Sofia Licht
NEIWPCC Assistant Environmental Analyst
Sofia works with internal and external partners to identify public water systems (PWS) serving disadvantaged communities and provides technical assistance with Maine Drinking Water Program’s grant process. She participates in the development of grant applications, the solicitation of applicants, ranking, awarding, and reimbursement. She also administers multiple grant programs, including Source Protection, Asset Security, and Capacity Development. She also provides technical, operational and compliance assistance to PWS, including on-site visits and communication initiatives to share opportunities. Sofia joined NEIWPCC in November 2022 and earned her M.S. in Marine Biology from the University of New Hampshire.

Martha Nadeau
NEIWPCC Environmental Analyst
207-287-5683 |
A NEIWPCC employee since 2009, Martha works with the Maine DHHS Drinking Water Program’s Information Management Team to provide technical support to the program’s Compliance and Enforcement Team. Martha holds an A.A.S. in Business Administration and Management from Central Maine Technical College.

Eli Pellegrino
NEIWPCC Environmental Analyst
207-287-5681 |
Eli provides support to the Subsurface Wastewater Unit within the Maine DHHS Drinking Water Program. They oversee the permit/fee reconciliation process, communicate with towns regarding permit status and assist to resolve permitting issues. They also assist with data improvement projects, provide QA/QC oversight of data entry processes, and participate in field visits as needed. Eli joined NEIWPCC in November 2021 and holds a M.S. in Environmental Studies from the University of Montana.

Kyle Wright
NEIWPCC Environmental Analyst
Kyle provides assistance to the Maine Drinking Water Program’s rules and regulations compliance efforts. He tracks drinking water sample results and performs research to help determine compliance with drinking water regulations. He assists with compliance notifications and other documents to communicate standards and expectations and provides technical assistance to internal and external partners on compliance and regulatory requirements. He also assists with various data improvement projects within the department. Kyle joined NEIWPCC in December 2022, and earned his B.S in Wildlife Biology from Unity College.
Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management

Kyla Foley
NEIWPCC Environmental Analyst;
Kyla assists Rhode Island’s Underground Storage Tank (UST) program with implementation aimed at the protection of human health and the environment from leaking underground storage tanks. She conducts compliance reviews and inspections, reviews reimbursement applications, oversees project budgets, maintains Quality Assurance Project Plans and Standard Operating Procedures, and collaborates with research and government partners. Kyla joined NEIWPCC in July 2024 and has a B.S. in Environmental and Natural Resource Economics and a B.A. in Marine Affairs from the University of Rhode Island.

Katerina Peña
NEIWPCC Environmental Analyst;
Katerina assists Rhode Island’s Underground Storage Tank (UST) program with implementation aimed at the protection of human health and the environment from leaking underground storage tanks. She conducts compliance reviews and inspections, reviews reimbursement applications, oversees project budgets, maintains Quality Assurance Project Plans and Standard Operating Procedures, and collaborates with research and government partners. Katerina joined NEIWPCC in July of 2023, and earned a B.A. in Environmental Science from Rhode Island College.