The listing of approved Massachusetts Title 5 training contact hour (TCH) courses are revised periodically.
If you are renewing for June 30th and are looking for training, please see the lists below. Plenty of online training options are available to help obtain last minute TCHs.
These listings should not be considered all-inclusive, as other approved courses may exist or their approval may be pending.
- Latest List of Current Approved Training by Date (updated 3/25/2025): This listing contains traditional, “in-person” classroom AND online training/courses that NEIWPCC has been made aware of. It is sorted by date. (Hit CTRL+F to find a specific course while in the document.)
For information on renewals or the renewal process, please refer to the FAQ and Fact Sheet located on the Renewal Information page.
Note to SEs and SIs: It is the responsibility of the individual SE or SI to retain proof of their attendance (i.e., copy of the certificate or letter of attendance/completion) and to submit it to NEIWPCC with their renewal notice in order to receive the TCH credit. NEIWPCC does not maintain attendance records for these courses.
Note to Training Providers/Vendors: For approval of training courses for Title 5 TCHs, please download Request for TCH Approval Form and submit to NEIWPCC per the instructions on the form. This form should be used for Training Providers who are seeking approval of their courses. It is the responsibility of the training provider to maintain course attendance records in case of student audit.
For any questions on Title 5 TCH approvals, please contact us at 978-349-2516 or email