The following forms may be downloaded, viewed and printed. Please be sure to follow the directions included on each form to assure that all required information is filled out before the form is submitted.

If you have trouble loading the forms, please email Michelle Jenkins at or call (978) 349-2516.

Form for trainers to fill out for training contact hour approval:

Form for pre-approved candidates to become System Inspectors (not used for the class):

Form to change Active/Inactive status on Title 5 approvals:

Form to get a reprint of wall certificate or wallet card:

Renewal forms for first time renewals only:

All other renewals (renewals with June 30th expiration date) are issued an individual invoice. These invoices are mailed out in March and again in May of the renewal year. If you need a copy, please email and include your SE and/or SI certification number and another copy will be emailed to you.