Below is a list of Underground Storage Tank (UST) training resources available through NEIWPCC and other organizations.
UST Inspection and Release Prevention Webinars
NEIWPCC works with partners to develop training webinars aimed at a national audience of state and tribal UST inspectors and release prevention professionals. The goal of NEIWPCC’s UST webinars is to improve UST program performance, educate UST inspectors on policy and UST systems and equipment, and ultimately prevent UST releases to the environment.
Upcoming Webinars
There are no upcoming webinars at this time. You can view a library of our past webinars below.

Past Webinars
Date | UST Webinar Title | Speaker(s) | Keywords |
2023-Sep | State-Run UST Service Provider Certification Programs: Implementation and Challenges | Joe Godwin, New Mexico Environment Department Tom Henderson, California State Water Resources Control Board Holly LeJeune, Louisiana Office of Environmental Assessment Jenna DiNuzzo, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection |
certification programs, state-run, regulations, service provider, UST, underground storage tanks |
2022-Oct | Emergency Power Generator (EPG) UST Systems: One of The Last Frontiers | Jonathan McRae, NDEP-BCA Tim Smith, U.S. EPA Gregory Young, VMI Manufacturing, LLC |
UST, underground storage tanks, inspection, inspectors, release, gas stations, EPGs, generators, emergency generators, diesel generator |
2022-Oct | Underground Storage Tank (UST) Removal Time | Ryan Haerer, U.S. EPA OUST Brad Hoffman, Tanknology Michael Hollis, NJ DEP Matt Jones, NH DES |
UST, underground storage tanks, inspection, inspectors, release, gas stations, UST closure, UST Removal, tank pull |
2021-Nov | UST Systems at Marinas | Tim Smith – U.S. EPA J. David Stone – Tennessee DEC Steve Latimer – Wilson/Rogers & Associates |
UST, underground storage tanks, inspection, inspectors, release, gas stations, marina USTs, boats |
2021-Dec | Emergency Power Generator UST Systems, Part 2 | Tim Smith – U.S. EPA John Cignatta – Datanet Engineering, Inc. |
UST, underground storage tanks, inspection, inspectors, release, gas stations, EPGs, generators, emergency generators, diesel generator |
2021-Dec | UST Overfill Prevention | Russ Brauksieck – U.S. EPA Spruce Wheelock – retired, formerly with New Hampshire DES David McKamie – DATZ UST Management, LLC |
UST, underground storage tanks, inspection, inspectors, release, gas stations, spill prevention, release prevention, overfill prevention |
2020-Sept | Collaborating Across Regulatory Programs to Achieve Shared Goals | Kris Shiffer, PA DEP Suzanne Connelly, NH DES Meredith Love, SC DHEC |
UST, underground storage tanks, inspection, inspectors, release, gas stations, collaboration |
2020-Jul | Emergency Power Generator UST Systems | Carolyn Hoskinson, EPA OUST Tim Smith, US EPA Seth Hendrix, MO DEQ John V. Cignatta, PhD, Datanet Engineering, Inc. |
UST, underground storage tanks, inspection, inspectors, release, gas stations, EPGs, generators, emergency generators, diesel generator |
2020-Dec | NLPA/KWA Standard 823 – Preventative Maintenance, Repair and In-situ Construction of Petroleum Sumps | Russ Brauksieck, U.S. EPA Tony Rieck, T.R. Consulting, Inc. Ed Kubinsky, Crompco, LLC |
UST, underground storage tanks, inspection, inspectors, release, gas stations, ust maintenance |
2020-Apr | Spill Bucket/Containment Sump Testing and Repair Webinar | Russ Brauksieck, EPA Ed Kubinsky, Crompco Tony Rieck, TR Consulting, Inc. Roland Riegel, Underwriters Laboratories Inc. |
UST, underground storage tanks, inspection, inspectors, release, gas stations, scbs, spill bucket, sump testing, sump repair, release prevention |
2019-Jul | Financial Responsibility | Eileen Butler, DE DNREC David Gilden, DE DNREC Melissa Wright, MD Dept of Environment and Oil Control Program Kelly Adams. GA EPD, UST Program |
UST, underground storage tanks, inspection, inspectors, release, gas stations, UST insurance, financial responsibility |
2019-Aug | Cathodic Protection | Steve Pollock, Steel Tank Institute/Steel Plate Fabricators Assn Kevin Henderson, Kevin Henderson Consulting Rick Rogers, UST Corrosion Mgmt, Inc. Alicia Meadows, VA DEQ |
UST, underground storage tanks, inspection, inspectors, release, gas stations, cathodic protection, corrosion protection |
2019-Aug | Automatic Tank Gauges | Marcel Moreau, Marcel Moreau Associates Ben Thomas, UST Training Jon Kelly, Canary Compliance Justin Whitfield, Canary Compliance |
UST, underground storage tanks, inspection, inspectors, release, gas stations, ATG, tank gauge |
2019-Aug | Emerging Fuels | Ryan Haerer, EPA Doug Hansen, UT DEQ Ted Unkles, VT DEC Chris Marks, Ph.D., AZ DEQ-UST Program Tara Rosie, AZ DEQ-UST Program |
UST, underground storage tanks, inspection, inspectors, release, gas stations, ethanol, biofuels, release detection, emerging fuels |
2018-Sep | NTC18 – Incentivizing UST Compliance | Mahesh Albuquerque, Colorado OPS Russ Olsen, Washington PLIA Sharon Morgan, Kansas DHE John Menatti, Utah DEQ |
UST, underground storage tanks, inspection, inspectors, release, gas stations, UST compliance, UST inspections |
2018-Sep | NTC18 – How in the Hazmat do I Inspect and Test these Sumps? | Mahesh Albuquerque, Colorado OPS Robert May, Synergy Environmental Inc. Tony Raia, US EPA OUST Kevin Henderson, Kevin Henderson Consulting |
UST, underground storage tanks, inspection, inspectors, release, gas stations, sumps, UST sump integrity |
2018-Sep | NTC18 – Low Level Sump Testing | John Olko, NJ DEP Paul Reber, Icon Containment Solutions Bruce Garrett, Dependable Petroleum Service Tony Raia, US EPA OUST Don Taylor, TN DEC |
UST, underground storage tanks, inspection, inspectors, release, gas stations, UST sumps, sump testing, hydrostatic testing |
2017-Nov | UST System Manifolds | John Olko, NJ DEP Mike Frank, MD Dept of the Environment Greg Young, Vaporless Manufacturing, Inc. |
UST, underground storage tanks, inspection, inspectors, release, gas stations, manifolded UST, UST systems |
2017-May | UST Overfill Prevention | Ted Unkles, VT DEC Spruce Wheelock, NH DES Nicole Keppy, Franklin Fueling Systems Chuck Liebal, OPW Retail Fueling |
UST, underground storage tanks, inspection, inspectors, release, gas stations, spill prevention, release prevention, overfill prevention |
2017-Mar | PEI RP1200: Concerns with UST Sump Testing | Ed Kubinsky, Crompco Loren Swalhein, Franklin Fueling Systems Natalie Creed, ID DEQ Heather Peters, MO DNR |
UST, underground storage tanks, inspection, inspectors, release, gas stations, UST testing, sump testing, hydrostatic testing, UST compliance |
2017-Jul | UST System Repairs | Zach Hope, CO Div of Oil & Public Safety Greg Barnes, Diversified Products Manufacturing, Inc. Paul Reber, Icon Containment Solutions, LLC |
UST, underground storage tanks, inspection, inspectors, release, gas stations, UST repairs, UST repipe, |
2016-Jun | Walkthrough Inspections | Tim Smith, EPA OUST Spruce Wheelock, NH DES John Olko, NJ DEP Ed Kubinsky, CrompCo |
UST, underground storage tanks, inspection, inspectors, release, gas stations, compliance inspections |
2014-Nov | Integrity Testing Methods | Kevin Henerson, Kevin Henderson Consulting, LLC | UST, underground storage tanks, inspection, inspectors, release, gas stations, UST testing, integrity testing, testing methods |
2013-Mar | Release Detection Challenges Posed by Biofuels | Michael Pomes, EPA Region 7 Kevin Henerson, Kevin Henderson Consulting, LLC Curt Johnson, AL DEM & NWGLDE Chair Anne Marie Gregg, Battelle Memorial Institute |
UST, underground storage tanks, inspection, inspectors, release, gas stations, ethanol, biofuels, release detection |
2013-Jun | Corrosion Challenges Posed by Biofuels | Michael Pomes, EPA Region 7 Steve Pollock, VA DEQ Jeffrey Sowards, National Institute of Standards & Technology Prentiss Searles, American Petroleum Institute |
UST, underground storage tanks, inspection, inspectors, release, gas stations, ethanol, biofuels, corrosion |
2013 | What Do We Have Here? UST Closure | NEIWPCC | UST, underground storage tanks, inspection, inspectors, release, gas stations, UST closure, UST Removal, tank pull |
2012-Jul | Automatic Tank Gauges | Richard Bradley, CQE Systems, Inc. John Kneece, Underground Storage Training & Consulting, LLC |
UST, underground storage tanks, inspection, inspectors, release, gas stations, ATG, tank gauge |
2011-Nov | High-Throughput Facilities | Mike Martin, MO DNR Bill Jones, Warren Rodgers Associates Greg Bareta, WI DSPS |
UST, underground storage tanks, inspection, inspectors, release, gas stations |
2010-Sept | Tank and Line Tightness Testing | Michael Pomes, KS DHE Steve Purpora, Purpora Engineering Kevin Keegan, Tanknology David Rabb, Leak Detection Technologies Mike Juranty, NHDES |
UST, underground storage tanks, inspection, inspectors, release, gas stations, UST testing, tightness testing, tank testing |
1988 | Tank Closure Without Tears – An Inspectors Safety Guide | NEIWPCC | UST, underground storage tanks, inspection, inspectors, release, gas stations, UST removal, tank removalm tank pull |
National Work Group on Leak Detection Evaluations
NWGLDE is an independent workgroup that reviews and evaluates leak detection methods for UST systems. On behalf of NWGLDE, NEIWPCC is making the results of their reviews and approved methods available here.

Class A and B UST Operator Exams
EPA developed class A and class B UST operator exams to primarily help UST system owners and operators in Indian country meet the 2015 federal UST regulation requirement that designated operators demonstrate knowledge. Designated operators are required to verify compliance with the requirement to pass an exam. On behalf of EPA, NEIWPCC is making these exams easily accessible and at no cost to all designated operators. To learn more about these exams, please visit the EPA’s website.
Additional Resources
EPA Underground Storage Tank (UST) Inspector Training
Free 2 module training with a final exam that introduces participants to the UST program and explains the basics of UST inspections.

ASTSWMO Webinars
The Association of State and Territorial Solid Waste Management Officials (ASTSWMO) offers free UST and LUST webinar training opportunities.
Steel Tank Institute Training
The steel tank institute offers in person training opportunities as well as on-demand and webinar trainings on UST-related topics

Petroleum Equipment Institute Webinars
The Petroleum Equipment Institute offers webinars on UST-related topics in both English and Spanish
Protecting the Drinking Water You Provide – A Guide for Owners and Operators of Gas Stations
Do you have a drinking water well at your gas station or know someone who does? This 10-page booklet was created to educate individuals who have an onsite drinking water well as one of their responsibilities in meeting drinking water regulations. The booklet provides an overview of responsibilities and can be distributed electronically or through printed copies.
Health, Environmental, and Economic Impacts of Adding Ethanol to Gasoline in the Northeast States
In May 2000, the New England Governors’ Conference Committee on the Environment asked NEIWPCC and the Northeast States for Coordinated Air Use Management (NESCAUM) to assess the potential public health, environmental, regulatory and economic impacts of adding ethanol, instead of MtBE, to gasoline in the Northeast. This NEIWPCC and NESCAUM collaborative effort resulted in a three-volume multimedia assessment of increased ethanol use in our region. This paper highlights key findings of the NEIWPCC and NESCAUM analyses and provides research and policy recommendations for consideration by the Northeast states. The report was published in July 2001.
- Volume 1: Summary and Recommendations
- Volume 2: Air Quality, Health, and Economic Impacts
- Volume 3: Water Resources and Associated Health Impacts
This video was produced in 1988 and Underground Storage Tank (UST) and safety regulations have been updated since that time. This video outlines causes of fires and explosions, while offering guidance in preparing a safe workplace, purging tanks, testing with oxygen and explosion meters, tank cleaning, transportation, and disposal. View the accompanying booklet here.