NEIWPCC is collecting and producing stories highlighting Clean Water Act 303(d) program successes.

NEIWPCC, together with Flip the Field, will showcase 303(d) program success stories from across the country to inspire other programs, inform stakeholders and the public, and generate support for future work to advance clean water. These stories will cover a diverse array of 303(d) topics across multiple communications products, including the Clean Water Pod podcast, and forthcoming StoryMaps, infographics, and other tools.

Clean Water Pod podcast graphic

A podcast exploring 303(d) program successes

Join host Jeff Berckes to explore challenges and successes of the Clean Water Act 303(d) program in the United States. He will speak with local, state, and federal staff about their work to keep our waterbodies clean. Search for the Clean Water Pod wherever you listen to podcasts.

Call for 303(d) Success Stories

NEIWPCC is seeking stories that showcase innovative approaches within the TMDL process. The goal is to highlight stories that showcase success in your 303(d) programs. This could include, for example, analyzing samples in the lab, running models on the computer, or using non-traditional partnerships to implement a TMDL.

Why Should You Submit?

If your story is chosen, NEIWPCC will turn it into at least one communication product that you can share with your stakeholders. Potential communication products include StoryMaps, watershed report cards, social media campaigns and more. NEIWPCC will work with you to make sure your story is being told in a way that can help your program or organization communicate your successes with your stakeholders. Your story could even end up on the next season of the Clean Water Pod!

Success Story Submission


Max. file size: 50 MB.

Communications Products


Additional templates coming soon! NEIWPCC success story templates provide a how-to guide for several communications products to build capacity for the 303(d) community and encourage the sharing of additional clean water achievements.

How’s My Waterway?

Explore conditions of your local waterway with the EPA’s How’s My Waterway tool. Water quality information is displayed on three scales: community, state and national, and is based on data provided by states, federal, tribal, local agencies and others.

This project has been funded wholly or in part by the United States Environmental Protection Agency under assistance agreement 84039101 to NEIWPCC. The contents of this document do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the Environmental Protection Agency, nor does the EPA endorse trade names or recommend the use of commercial products mentioned in this document.