Eligible homeowners are reimbursed for reducing stormwater runoff.

As of Aug. 29, 2024, funding for the program has been fully exhausted and the application is now CLOSED. Please check back next spring when the application re-opens.

The logo of the Long Island Garden Rewards Program

The Long Island Garden Rewards Program offers reimbursement of up to $500 total for making your yard more water friendly. Capturing rainwater and keeping it on your lawn with rain barrels and rain gardens, or by slowing down water runoff with native plant gardens, reduces the amount of water flowing across your yard. These actions reduce the amount of nitrogen pollution entering local waterways and help conserve water.

About Nitrogen Pollution

Nitrogen is the leading cause of water quality deterioration on Long Island. Excess nitrogen can cause toxic algal blooms that lead to low oxygen conditions, fish kills, and degraded wetlands and marine habitats. Nitrogen also contaminates the groundwater, which is the sole source of Long Island’s drinking water. The Garden Rewards Program addresses nitrogen pollution by offering Long Island residents an incentive to create and install yard features that retain stormwater.

Rain Barrels

Rain barrels collect and store rainwater from your roof that would otherwise be lost to runoff. They provide water for later use on lawns and gardens and are a way to conserve water.

Reward Details

This program covers the cost of a rain barrel and mosquito netting/screens up to $125 per barrel with a total cap of $500. Materials must be purchased after March 15, 2024.

This program does not cover the cost of installation and stands. 

Rain Barrel Requirements

  • The minimum rain barrel size is 50 gallons.
  • This program requires the placement and maintenance of a rain barrel for a minimum of 3 years on your property.
  • Proper rain barrel maintenance includes:
    • Mosquito netting is required, but can be any type of screen that would deter mosquitos.
    • Dumping the water or turning the rain barrel upside down before winter to prevent freezing.


Rain Gardens

Rain gardens collect rainwater from roofs, driveways, or streets and allows it to soak into the ground, therefore reducing runoff. They can also mitigate flooding and enhance your yard with low-maintenance landscaping.

Reward Details

Up to $500 is reimbursed for the purchase of native plants and necessary materials to construct a rain garden. Native plants are those listed below, and materials covered include mulch, gravel, and soil amendments. Materials must be purchased after March 15, 2024. For questions about eligible native plants please contact gardenrewards@neiwpcc.org.

This program does not include non-native plants, biennials, or annuals, and will not reimburse for equipment needed to install a rain garden (e.g., shovels, wheelbarrows, etc.).

Rain Garden Requirements

  • Native plants to Long Island must be used (see list below).
  • Rain garden must be at least 20 square feet in size.
  • Rain garden needs to be maintained for a minimum of 3 years 


How to properly construct a rain garden:

Eligible plant list (the program will only cover plants listed in the resources below!)

Native Plantings

While native plants do not necessarily collect runoff, they promote healthy ecosystems. Native plant gardens can reduce water usage, reduce fertilizer and pesticide usage, and promote biodiversity.

Reward Details

This program covers up to $500 for the purchase of native plants. Eligible native plants are listed below. Materials must be purchased after March 15, 2024. For questions about eligible native plants, please contact gardenrewards@neiwpcc.org.

This program does not cover non-native plants, biennials, or annuals. 

Native Plantings Requirements

  • Native plants to Long Island must be used (see list below) on your property.
  • Native gardens and plants must be maintained for a minimum of 3 years.  

Eligible plant list (the program will only cover plants listed in the resources below!)

Related Resources

Long Island Native Plant List

This list was generated from the New York Flora Atlas, generated 2.27.23.

This program is a partnership between the Long Island Regional Planning Council, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Long Island Sound Study and NEIWPCC.

Claim Your Reimbursement

Check back in spring 2025 when the program re-opens!