The Onsite Wastewater Short Course was a “one-stop” training/conference event for Massachusetts onsite wastewater professionals and wastewater operators.

The conference served as a forum for sharing information about onsite/decentralized wastewater issues and projects in the region and features research and case studies from across the country. Conference attendees included many of those in New England and New York State involved in onsite wastewater treatment, including state, federal, and municipal governments; private sector (i.e., installers, designers, service providers); technology manufacturers; academia; and watershed organizations. The event has been coordinated and hosted by NEIWPCC since 2002 in partnership with our member states and the US EPA. There are no short courses being planned currently.

NEIWPCC runs the Northeast Onsite Wastewater Short Course.

Conference Archives

To view select information from past short courses, including the agenda and presentation slides, visit the Conference Proceedings page.


For questions about the short courses, please contact Michelle Jenkins.

Learn more about the Massachusetts Title 5 onsite wastewater training and certification of Soil Evaluators (SEs) and System Inspectors (SIs).