The 35th Annual Nonpoint Source (NPS) Conference will be held April 9-10, 2025 in Freeport, Maine.

The Annual NPS Conference is the premier forum in the Northeast for sharing information and improving communication on NPS pollution issues and projects. Since 1990, NEIWPCC, in partnership with its member states, has been coordinating the event. Conference participants include federal, tribal, state, and municipal government staff, private sector professionals, nonprofit and watershed organization staff, as well as college and university students and professors.

This year’s theme is “Nonpoint Source Pollution and Clean Water: Perspectives from the Arts, Sciences and Humanities.” Abstract submissions that focus on the following topics are encouraged: the role that art plays in building awareness (NPS problems, climate change, and/or clean water); communication; social marketing; watershed restoration and protection (especially building community support); best management practices with climate co-benefits; environmental justice; and using technology (e.g. crowdsourcing apps, StoryMaps) to document problems, monitor progress, and tell our stories.


The 35th Annual NPS Conference will be held April 9-10, 2025 at the Harraseeket Inn and Event House located in Freeport, Maine. More information about registration will be available in early 2025.


A draft agenda will be made available in early 2025.

Conference Archives

To view select information from past Annual NPS Conferences, including the agenda and presentation slides, visit the Conference Proceedings page.


To be added to the conference email list and for questions about current and previous conference agendas, speakers, topics, and content, please contact Devon Case.

COVID-19 Policy

COVID-19 Policy

NEIWPCC is committed to providing an event environment that keeps all participants as safe as possible and promotes the well-being of our community. We encourage attendees to take CDC recommendations and their individual circumstances into account when making a decision about preventative actions. By voluntarily choosing to attend NEIWPCC events, participants assume all risks associated with exposure to COVID-19 and other respiratory illnesses.

Attendees should NOT participate in NEIWPCC events if they display symptoms of any respiratory virus, or if they have been symptomatic within the last 24 hours. Attendees who have tested positive for COVID-19 within the last five (5) days must be symptom- and fever-free for 24 hours (without the use of fever-reducing medications) and wear a mask.