NEIWPCC Headquarters (Lowell, Mass.)

Richard Friesner
Director of Water Quality Programs
978-349-2523 |
Richard joined NEIWPCC in 2016 as Director of Water Quality Programs. He works on a variety of projects including wetlands, monitoring, water quality standards, nutrients, TMDLs, harmful algal blooms, and others. He serves as the NEIWPCC representative on the Management Committee for the Long Island Sound Study and has worked on technical nutrient related assessment work with the United States Geological Survey (USGS). Richard joined NEIWPCC with 10 years of experience in the environmental science and policy field including work in private consulting and at the USGS. He continues to direct the Washington Youth Summit on the Environment at George Mason University. Richard holds a Ph.D. in environmental science and public policy from George Mason University, an M.S. and B.S in environmental science from the University of Kansas. [Full bio]

Beth Malcolm
Environmental Analyst
978-349-2344 |
Beth serves as the project manager for the regional Water Quality Standards (WQS), tracking and accounting, and Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) workgroups, and as the NEIWPCC project manager for the Long Island Nitrogen Action Plan (LINAP). In addition, she coordinates and manages the national 303(d)/TMDL webinar series and success stories projects and a variety of other projects related to water science, policy, and outreach. Beth joined NEIWPCC in August 2024 and earned a B.S. in Environmental Conservation with a minor in Water Resource Management from the University of New Hampshire. [Full bio]

Devon Case
Environmental Analyst
978-349-2049 |
Devon leads NEIWPCC’s nonpoint source pollution programming. He manages the Nonpoint Source workgroup, organizes the Annual Nonpoint Source Conference, and coordinates NEIWPCC’s Biennial Nonpoint Source Training Workshop. Devon also assists with the management of the Tracking and Accounting Collaborative. Devon joined NEIWPCC’s Water Resource Protection Division in May of 2022, and holds a Bachelor of Science in environmental science from the University of Southern Maine. [Full bio]

Maryann Dugan
Program Manager
978-349-2514 |
As a Program Manager in the Water Quality Division, Maryann works on a variety of projects to include water quality and watersheds. She serves as the project manager for the Harmful Algal-Bloom (HAB) program, the Monitoring program, and the Northeast Aquatic Biologist conference. She also serves as the project manager for the RI DEM monitoring staff and contract. Maryann joined NEIWPCC in September 2019. She earned her Bachelor of Science in public affairs with a major in environmental management from Indiana University. [Full bio]

Alex DuMont
Environmental Analyst
978-349-2526 |
Alex assists with a variety of projects in support of NEIWPCC’s Water Quality programs. He serves as the project manager for the Long Island Sound Study (LISS), working closely with LISS staff, CT DEEP and NYSDEC on research, monitoring, and public education and outreach initiatives. He organizes the wetlands and NEBAWWG workgroup meetings and presents information to stakeholders and the general public. Alex joined NEIWPCC in February of 2024, and earned a B.A. in psychology from Brandeis University and is finishing his M.S. in biodiversity, conservation, and policy from the University at Albany. [Full bio]
Long Island Nitrogen Action Plan (LINAP)
Long Island Sound Study

James Ammerman
NEIWPCC Environmental Analyst;
Long Island Sound Study Science Coordinator
203-977-1543 |
Jim joined NEIWPCC in December of 2015 as an Environmental Analyst for the Long Island Sound Science Study (LISS), where he works with partners in both Connecticut and New York to adopt monitoring strategies that support the reporting of LISS’s environmental indicators. He analyzes existing data to provide guidance and consultation on estuarine environmental issues, prepares syntheses of scientific reports, and evaluates technical reports developed by others. Jim serves as staff lead for LISS’s Science and Technical Advisory Committee, participates in the review process of LISS technical and research project deliverables, and provides technical assistance to help implement environmental statutes. Jim previously directed New York Sea Grant, has conducted extensive water quality research in several estuarine and coastal ecosystems, and has worked with two different EPA Science Advisory Board panels on water quality issues. Jim holds a B.S in biology, as well as a Ph. D. in marine biology.

Robert Burg
NEIWPCC Information Officer;
LISS Communications Coordinator
203-977-1546 |
A NEIWPCC employee since 2003, Robert assists the Long Island Sound Study in developing and disseminating educational materials and outreach products. His work includes coordinating publications and web-based products that inform the public about projects that are restoring and protecting the Sound and about indicators of the Sound’s health in the areas of water quality, coastal and animal populations, habitats, and land use. He holds an M.S. in urban affairs from Hunter College.

Sara Cernadas-Martín
NEIWPCC Environmental Analyst;
LISS Habitat Restoration and Stewardship Coordinator
Sara conducts activities associated with Long Island Sound Study (LISS) habitat initiatives. She prepares proposals, assists municipalities in developing and implementing proposals, and evaluates project applications for habitat assessment, monitoring, stewardship, restoration, and research funding. Sara joined NEIWPCC in July 2024 and has a Licentiate in Biology from the Universitat de Barcelona in Spain as well as an M.S. and a Ph.D. in marine and atmospheric science from Stony Brook University.

Christopher Eagler
NEIWPCC Environmental Analyst;
Long Island Sound Regional Coordinator
Christopher works with the NYSDEC’s Division of Water and assists in the planning and execution of activities for the Long Island Sound Study. He participates in workgroups and meetings, assists with the implementation of the LISS Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan (CCMP) nitrogen reduction plans and measures, provides technical support for EPA’s LIS Nitrogen Reduction Strategy, assist municipalities in evaluating local policies and programs to determine alignment with the CCMP, and provides grant oversight and management. Christopher joined NEIWPCC in October 2023, and holds a M.A. in marine conservation and policy from Stony Brook University.

Anya Grondalski
NEIWPCC Information Officer;
LISS Science Communicator
As a science communicator, Anya works to implement the LISS Communications, Outreach, and Engagement (COE) Plan. She writes articles for LISS’s online communications channels, performs website updates, supports the development of public engagement content, and provides scientific, technical, and programmatic communications support on various initiatives. Anya is also responsible for coordinating social media content on LISS accounts. She joined NEIWPCC in January of 2024 and earned a B.A. in journalism and political science and an M.S. in public relations from Quinnipiac University.

Mark Shuster
NEIWPCC Information Officer;
LISS Real Property Coordinator
Mark expedites New York State land acquisitions for properties on Long Island Sound and within its watershed to restore and protect clean water and thriving habitats. He researches and analyses properties for purchase feasibility and facilitates associated contracts, appraisals, title searches and negotiations. Mark joined NEIWPCC in August 2024 and has a B.S. in Urban Regional Analysis & Planning from SUNY Buffalo State University.

Kimarie Yap
NEIWPCC Environmental Analyst;
LISS Bioextraction Coordinator
Kimarie works with the NYSDEC’S Division of Water and provides overall program coordination, administration, and short and long-term planning for the Nutrient Bioextraction Initiative, which is funded by the Long Island Sound Study. She assesses potential challenges to, identifies solutions for, and supports the development and expansion of nitrogen bioextraction and related aquaculture activities in the Long Island Sound. Kimarie joined NEIWPCC in June 2024. She earned her B.S. in environmental science with a minor in social justice theory at St. John’s University and her M.S. in biological sciences at Fordham University.
Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management

Kelsey Mudry
NEIWPCC Environmental Analyst;
RIDEM River Monitoring
Kelsey implements the field sampling program for the ambient river monitoring (ARM) program. She provides technical assistance to RIDEM by performing assessments for federal Clean Water Act reporting, reviewing and identifying potential needed updates to the state’s water quality standards program, completing draft nutrient criteria/thresholds for Rhode Island’s freshwater lakes and ponds, and advancing the development of nutrient criteria/thresholds for Rhode Island’s rivers and streams. Kelsey joined NEIWPCC in July of 2023 and earned a B.S. in Marine Biology and Marine Affairs from the University of Rhode Island.
Rhode Island Department of Health

Emma Shipley
NEIWPCC Environmental Analyst;
RIDOH Center for Drinking Water Quality
Emma supports implementation of the Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation (WIIN) Act in Rhode Island by managing and overseeing the day-to-day objectives of the Lead Testing in Schools and Childcares Program. She develops and implements policies and guidance for grant activities, develops contracts to fulfill objectives, manages deliverables, and develops communication plans. Emma joined NEIWPCC in November of 2023 and has a Ph.D. in oceanography from University of Connecticut Avery Point.