NEIWPCC’s supports the Lake Champlain Basin Program (LCBP) by managing its personnel, contracts, grant and budget tasks; and by providing input on the program’s activities through interaction with the LCBP Steering and Executive Committees.

Lake Champlain, the 110-mile long lake that lies between New York and Vermont and extends into Canada, faces serious environmental threats, including:
- Nutrient pollution from agricultural and urban sources
- Harmful algal blooms
- The spread of aquatic invasive species
- Extreme weather and increased flooding
Since 1992, NEIWPCC has served as financial administrator and program advisor to the Lake Champlain Basin Program, which works cooperatively with many partners to coordinate and fund efforts that benefit the Lake Champlain basin’s water quality, fisheries, wetlands, wildlife, public education, recreation, and cultural resources.
LCBP’s efforts are guided by the comprehensive watershed management plan, Opportunities for Action. The LCBP works with its program partners, advisory committees, and local communities to implement this plan leveraging a variety of federal, state, and local funding sources.

In 2011, the National Park Service formally designated the Champlain Valley as a National Heritage Area, and today the LCBP pursues its work on cultural heritage tasks through the Champlain Valley National Heritage Partnership.
Please direct any questions about NEIWPCC’s role in administering the LCBP to Sarita Croce,