The Training & Certification Workgroup brings together New England and New York state agencies and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 1 representatives to discuss state rules, regulations, and procedures as it pertains to wastewater operator certification.
This workgroup meets at least quarterly and is a forum for state regulators to discuss new ideas, share experiences, and seek professional advice from their peers regarding wastewater operator certification. The workgroup also discusses acceptable training topics needed to meet operator’s continuing education requirements.
Management School Workgroup
Many members of the Training & Certification workgroup also participate in an annual Management School Workgroup meeting.
Management Schools provide the intensive training, networking, and skill-development coursework necessary to prepare the next generation of utility managers and leaders. It is hoped that the individuals who complete the Management School curriculums will be able to continue the critical work of managing the region’s water and wastewater treatment infrastructure.
For more information contact Spring Connolly at