The TMDL Webinar Series covers key topics for state, territory, and tribal 303(d) and TMDL programs and other partners. Learn more about the series here, and view the webinars on our YouTube Channel. Contact Beth Malcolm with any questions.

All TMDL webinars are hosted by NEIWPCC.

Date Bibliographic Record Keywords
2025-Feb Kasko, Anna. Designing and Implementing Trash TMDLs in Maryland. [Webinar] Maryland Department of the Environment. Trash, outreach
2024-July Kardouni, James. Incorporating Climate Change Analysis into Stream Temperature TMDLs: South Fork Nooksack River Pilot Project. [Webinar]. State of Washington’s Department of Ecology’s Environmental Assessment Program. temperature, climate change, South Fork Nooksack River, modeling, salmon
2023-Nov Ehrhart, Matthew and John Jackson. The TMDL Process: A Puzzle of Stressors, Models, Restoration, and Monitoring. [Webinar]. Stroud Water Research Center. restoration, monitoring, stressors, implementation, process, urban streams, macroinvertebrates
2023-Mar Devereux, Olivia, James Martin. Working Together to Track the Chesapeake Bay Total Maximum Daily Load. [Webinar]. Devereux Consulting, Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation. Chesapeake Bay, collaboration, implementation
2022-Nov Cira, Emily, Andy Somor, Kim Oldenborg, Rebecca Jascot, Traci Iott. Recovery Potential Screening Tool for Watershed Prioritization.[Webinar]. U.S. EPA, The Cadmus Group, Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP). tool, planning, EPA, prioritization, watershed, TMDL, 303(d)
2022-Jan Miro, Michelle, Ph.D. Using Climate Change-Informed Precipitation Metrics for Water Quality Planning. [Webinar]. RAND Corporation. Climate change, metrics, planning, precipitation
2021-Sep Jones, Bruce, Nancy Schuldt and Elizabeth Betancourt. Meaningful State-Tribe Communication on Water Quality Issues. [Webinar]. Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission, Fond du Lac Band of Lake Superior Chippewa and Central Valley Regional Water Board (CA). Tribes, Communication
2021-Mar Echols, Jacqueline, Ph.D. Environmental Justice in 303(d) Implementation. [Webinar]. South River Watershed Alliance. Environmental Justice, equity, implementation
2021-Apr Arnold, Chet and Michael Dietz. Solving Impervious Cover Impairments. [Webinar]. University of Connecticut-Center for Land Use Education and Research. Impairments, stormwater, runoff, cover
2020-Jan Reed, Kerry, Ali Clift, and Eric Eckl. Social Media Outreach. [Webinar]. City of Framingham, MA DPW, Cumberland County, ME SWCD, and Water Words That Work. Communication, media
2020-Aug Leiman, Jonathan, Anna Kasko, Laurie Mann and Ben Cope. Approaches to Temperature TMDLs. [Webinar]. Maryland Dept. of Environment and US EPA Region 10. Temperature, EPA
2019-Sep Dukes, Frank, Ph.D. Building Consensus for Better Water Quality Outcomes. [Webinar]. University of VA, Institute for Environmental Negotiation. Outcomes, communication
2019-May Kline, Karen, Ph.D. Stakeholder Engagement. [Webinar]. Virginia Tech. Engagement, communication, community, public, outreach
2018-Oct Shull, Dustin and Carrie Tropasso. Story Maps. [Webinar]. PA DEP. Communication, media, community, public, outreach
2018-Nov Becker, Mary and Chad Larson. Stressor ID. [Webinar]. CT DEEP and WA DOE. stressor, impairment, phosphorus, aquatic life
2018-May Heidel, Scott, Cam Mcnutt, and Heather Husband. TMDL Alternatives. [Webinar]. PA DEP, NC DWR and ND DOH. Alternatives, Water quality management
2018-Mar Isenberg, Will and Stephen McCracken. Chloride TMDLs. [Webinar]. VA DEQ and DuPage River Salt Creek Workgroup. Chlorides, runoff
2018-Jul Hunter, Chris and Erin Rasnake. TMDL Revisions. [Webinar]. EPA and FL DEP. Revisions, adapt, nutrients, phosphorus
2017-Sep Johnston, Matt and Jason Sutter. TMDL Tracking and Reporting. [Webinar]. University of Maryland and AZ DEQ. Tracking, reporting, metrics
2017-May Larsen, Erika, Amy Walkenbach, Ann Hirekatur, and Marcia Fox. Coordinating with Agricultural Partners. [Webinar]. EPA, IL EPA, WI DNR, DE DNR and EPA Region 8. Agriculture, Runoff, nutrients, phosphorus
2017-Jun Sandberg, Nicole, Ashley Wendt, Jayshika Ramrakha, and Bryan Duggan. TMDL Implementation. [Webinar]. VA DEQ, EPA Region 10 and ODEQ. Implementation, planning, management
2016-May Kirsch, Kevin, Caroline Burger, Jim Bachhuber and Roger Bannerman. Modeling Applications to Integrate TMDLs and Permitted MS4s. [Webinar]. WI DNR, Brown and Caldwell, USGS. Modeling, TMDL, MS4, stormwater