Informing community decisions about innovative and alternative chloride reduction strategies.
The Chloride Resources Clearinghouse is an information-sharing platform, providing innovative and alternative chloride reduction resources. It is a collaborative effort between NEIWPCC and the salty folks at the EPA’s Chloride Technical Management Workgroup.
To find resources pertaining to a specific subject, please use the search bar with keywords such as the following: volunteer, public outreach, water softening, guidance, training, de-icing, softening, discharge, calcium chloride, aquatic organisms, liability, certification, policy, variance, ordinance, rebate, partnership, public, private, municipal, residential, Minnesota, New Hampshire, EPA Region 1, etc.
Links go to external resources which may move or be deleted over time. If you have any questions or feedback, please use the form at the bottom of the page or contact Devon Case.
Category | Link | Description | Creator | Location | Keywords | Notes | |
Winter Maintenance | WI Salt Wise | Salt Wise Winter Salt Certification classes for winter maintenance professionals and everyone involved in winter maintenance decision-making | WI Salt Wise Partnership | Wisonsin, Midwest, EPA Region 5, state | website, training, winter maintenance professionals | ||
Public Outreach/Education | Outreach from Smart Salt Collaborative | Public support for your snow and ice strategies starts with education and outreach; take advantage of the resources below, including graphics, blog posts, and videos, to get your community on board | Smart Salt Collaborative | Illinois, Midwest, Region 5, non-profit | website, public outreach | ||
Public Outreach/Education | Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District Chloride Reduction | Education and resources for the public including sources of chloride and ways to reduce its use | Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District | Madison, Dane County, Wisconsin | winter maintenance, water softening, sources | ||
Public Outreach/Education | City of Lake Geneva Utility Commission | Education and resources for the public including sources of chloride and ways to reduce its use; includes information on water softener rebate program | City of Lake Geneva Utility Commission | water softener, rebate program | |||
Regulatory | Chloride TLWQS (Variance) for the CAWS Watershed | The Illinois Pollution Control Board issues a time-limited water quality standard (TLWQS) for chloride to 48 petitioners | Illinois Pollution Control Board | Illinois, Midwest, Region 5, ILEPA | variance, waterbody, waterbody variance, CAWS | ||
Public Outreach/Education | The Impacts of Road Salt | Road salt impacts and reduction efforts | Maryland Dept. of the Environment | Maryland | winter maintenance, impacts, reduction, BMPs | ||
Public Outreach/Education | Residential BMPs | A website resource that provides tips and information so that members of the general public can put into practice salt best management practices | Northern Virginia Salt Management Strategy (SaMS) Stakeholders | Virginia | general public salt reduction efforts, salt use best practices at home, residential BMPs, SaMS, public outreach, tips for homeowners | ||
Regulatory | Chloride TMDLs for the Accotink Creek Watershed, Fairfax County, Virginia | The Chloride TMDL report for the Accotink Creek benthic and chloride impairment; this was approved by EPA on May 23, 2018 | Virginia Department of Environmental Quality | Virginia | TMDL, TMDL report, watershed clean-up plan, chloride TMDL, Accotink Creek | This webpage will be replaced once our agency TMDLs page is restored. | |
Winter Maintenance | Salt Management Strategy Toolkit | This webpage hosts the Northern Virginia Salt Management Strategy Toolkit and its accompanying summary document. The Toolkit is a massive compilation of stakeholder developed resources and recommendations to promote more effective salt use | Northern Virginia Salt Management Strategy (SaMS) Stakeholders | Virginia | salt management strategy, SaMS, Northern Virginia SaMS, winter maitenance, winter maitenance BMPs, education and outreach, water quality monitoring | Note, I selected winter maitenance for the category although this is very cross-cutting. It delves into education and outreach, water quality monitoring, and other topics. | |
Science | Catalyzing Stakeholder-Driven Solutions to Inland Freshwater Salinization | The project focuses on two major causes of inland freshwater salinization: salt released from sewage sources such as household products (in Phase I, 9/30/20 to 9/30/22) and salt released from watershed sources such as deicers (in Phase II, 9/30/22 to 9/30/25) | Virginia Tech – Occoquan Watershed Monitoring Lab | Virginia | freshwater salinization, sewage salinization, sewage sources, deicers, NSF, watershed study | ||
Winter Maintenance | Green SnowPro Certification | State-of-the-art salt reduction practices that prioritize public safety while mitigating salt usage | New Hampshire Dept of Environmental Services | New Hampshire | volunteer commercial salt applicator training and certification, New Hampshire, Green SnowPro, winter salt management program, training | Currently the volunteer, commerical salt applicator program certifies over 500 salt applicators per year. Municipalities will be eligible for certification in the program by 2023. Once certified by NHDES, Green SnowPro salt applicators are afforded limited liability insurace protection from slip and fall claims. | |
Winter Maintenance | Callibration Examples | Callibration examples for salt equipment | WI Salt Wise Partnership | Wisonsin, Midwest, EPA Region 5, state | training, winter maintenance professionals | ||
Winter Maintenance | Brushes | Overview of benefits of snow removal brushes | WI Salt Wise Partnership | Wisonsin, Midwest, EPA Region 5, state | training, winter maintenance professionals | ||
Winter Maintenance | Parking Lot & Sidewalk | Chlorides and winter management | DuPage River Salt Creek Workgroup | Illinois, Midwest, Region 5 | calcium chloride, Illinois, de-icing | ||
Winter Maintenance | Brine | Brine & brine reuse | WI Salt Wise Partnership | Wisonsin, Midwest, EPA Region 5, state | brine, water softener brine reclamation, winter maintenance professionals | ||
Winter Maintenance | Public Roads | Best management practices for road salt | DuPage River Salt Creek Workgroup | Illinois, Midwest, Region 5 | calcium chloride, Illinois, de-icing | ||
Winter Maintenance | Chapter 8: Winter Snow and Ice Operations |
Policy recommendations re: deicing agents, storage, handling, and training/certification | DuPage River Salt Creek Workgroup | Illinois, Midwest, Region 5 | recommendations, winter maintenance professionals, Illinois, salt storage, deicing agents | ||
Winter Maintenance | Facebook page | Facebook page dedicated to educating the public about the over use of salt and dangers to bodies of water | Stop Over Salting | Minnesota | facebook, public education, limited liability, outreach | ||
Public Outreach/Education | Upper Mississippi River Basin Association Resolution Regarding Chloride Contamination in the Upper Mississippi River Basin | A resolution committing to facilitating cooperative action among state and federal water quality and transportation agencies, local governments, and private salt applicators to reduce rising chloride contamination | UMRBA | Midwest, Great Plains, Mississippi River | resolution, action, transportation, government, non-profit | ||
Winter Maintenance | Title LII Limitation of Actions | Limited liability for winter maintenance providers | New Hampshire Courts | New Hampshire | limited liability, winter maintenance policy, New Hampshire legal code | ||
Winter Maintenance | Ordinance Regulating Storage and Handling of Deicing Materials – Crest Hill | City of Crest Hill, Illinois deicing material regulations | DuPage River Salt Creek Workgroup | Illinois, Midwest, Region 5 | Crest Hill, Illinois, deicing materials storage and handling, city ordinanace | ||
Winter Maintenance | Model Snow and Ice Policies and Contracts | Snow and ice policies for Wisconsin and Minnesota counties | WI Salt Wise Partnership | Wisonsin, Midwest, EPA Region 5, state | winter maintenance professionals, salt reduction, snow policy guidance | ||
Winter Maintenance | Goodhue County MN Snow and Ice Control Policy | Snow and ice removal guidelines | Goodhue County, MN | Minnesota | winter maintenance professionals, salt reduction, snow policy guidance | ||
Winter Maintenance | City of Rochester MN Snow and Ice Control | Snow and ice removal guidelines | Rochester, MN | Minnesota | winter maintenance professionals, salt reduction, snow policy guidance | ||
Winter Maintenance | City of Eagan MN Snow and Ice Control | Snow and ice removal guidelines | Eagan, MN | Minnesota | winter maintenance professionals, salt reduction, snow policy guidance | ||
Winter Maintenance | La Sueur MN Snow Emergency/Snow Removal Policy | Snow and ice removal guidelines | Le Sueur, MN | Minnesota | winter maintenance professionals, salt reduction, snow policy guidance | ||
Winter Maintenance | UW-Madison Outdoor Salt Use Policy | Salt use policy for University of Wisconsin – Madison | University of Wisonsin_Madison Environment Health and Safety Dept. | Wisonsin, Midwest, EPA Region 5, state | winter maintenance professionals, salt reduction, snow policy guidance | ||
Winter Maintenance | Minnesota Model Model Snow and Ice Management Policy | Snow and ice policy – Minnesota municipalities | Minnesota Pollution Control Agency | Minnesota | snow and ice policy, Minnesota, winter maintenance professionals, municipalities | ||
Winter Maintenance | Minnesota Model Exhibit for Private Snow & Ice Service Contract | Snow and ice policy – Minnesota private contractors | Minnesota Pollution Control Agency | Minnesota | snow and ice policy, Minnesota, winter maintenance professionals, private contractors | ||
Public Outreach/Education | Water Softening Options for Commercial and Industrial Users | Guidelines for water softening for commercial/industrial settings | University of Minnesota | Minnesota | water softening, commercial, industrial | ||
Public Outreach/Education | Guide to Developing a Local Water Softener Rebate Program | General guide for city or watershed managers developing a water softener rebate program | Minnesota Pollution Control Agency | Minnesota | water softening education, rebate program | ||
Public Outreach/Education | Important Notice About Water Water Softener Discharge Ordinance Compliance Required | Notice to residents regarding water softener rebate program | Pinkney, Michigan | Michigan | water softening education, rebate program | ||
Public Outreach/Education | Success Stories in Wisconsin | Case studies of successful reduction of water softening in commercial and municipal settings | WI Salt Wise Partnership | Wisonsin, Midwest, EPA Region 5, State | water softening education, rebate program | ||
Technology | Capacitive Electronic Water Descaler System | Alternative water softener for whole house | Yarna | Nationwide | water softening products, salt free water softening | ||
Technology | Pelican NaturSoft Water Softener Alternative | Alternative water softener | Pentair | Nationwide | water softening products, salt free water softening | ||
Technology | What are the Alternatives to a Water Softener System | Alternatives to a salt based water softener | Culligan Water | Nationwide | water softening products, salt free water softening | ||
Technology | 8 Water Softener Alternatives | Alternatives to a salt based water softener | Home Stratosphere | Nationwide | water softening products, salt free water softening | ||
Public Outreach/Education | Water Softeners | Options for homeowners to assess and reduce water softening using salt | WI Salt Wise Partnership | Wisonsin, Midwest, EPA Region 5, State | water softening products, salt free water softening, public outreach | ||
Public Outreach/Education | The Skinny on Water Softeners | Options for homeowners to assess and reduce water softening using salt | Minnesota Pollution Control Agency | Minnesota | water softening products, salt free water softening, public outreach | ||
Public Outreach/Education | A Review of Residential Water Softening | Overview of status of residential water softeners | University of Minnesota | Minnesota | residential water softeners | ||
Public Outreach/Education | Water Softening/Conditioning for Residential Users | options for water softening for residential users | University of Minnesota | Minnesota | residential water softeners | ||
Regulatory | Variances to Water Quality Standards | Guidance on variances for polutants and source reduction measures | Wisconsin DNR | Wisonsin, Midwest, EPA Region 5, State | variance guidance, mercury, chloride, copper, arsenic, phosphorus, economic impacts | ||
Regulatory | Water Permit Holders and Chloride | Information on chloride and wastewater facilities and storm water | Minnesota PCA | Minnesota | chloride, municipal wastewater facilities, stormwater drainage | ||
Regulatory | Twin Cities Metro Area Chloride TMDL | Study on the winter maintenance and residential chloride contamination levels in the Twin City area of Minnesota | Minnesota PCA | Minnesota | chloride, winter maintenance of roads, deicing, water softeners | ||
Regulatory | Statewide Chloride Resources | Webpage with links to reports and guidance on chloride for Minnesota | Minnesota PCA | Minnesota | chloride, winter maintenance of roads, deicing, water softeners | ||
Regulatory | Streamlined Chloride Variance Action Tree | Guide for development and implementation of activities to reduce chloride – Minnesota | Minnesota PCA | Minnesota | action tree, chloride, Minnesota, source reduction | ||
Regulatory | Strategy for Municipal Chloride Reduction and Minimization | Guide for municipalities to inspect and minimize chloride levels | Minnesota PCA | Minnesota | municipalities, chloride, wastewater treatment plant, chloride source inventory, industrial water treatment | ||
Regulatory | DNR’s Recommendations for PMPs and SRMs for Arsenic, Chloride, Copper, and Mercury Variances | Guidance for writing PMP plans and SRMs for Wisconsin | Wisconsin DNR | Wisonsin, Midwest, EPA Region 5, state | variance guidance, Mercury, Chloride, Copper, Arsenic, Phosphorus,economic impacts | ||
Regulatory | Ambient Aquatic Life Water Quality Criteria for Chloride | 1988 study on water quality criteria for chloride | EPA | Nationwide | chloride, aquatic organisms, water quality criteria | ||
Regulatory | State-Specific Water Quality Standards Effective Under the Clean Water Act | State, territorial, and tribal water quality standards approved by EPA or in effect for CWA purposes | EPA | nationwide | water quality standards, state water quality standards, tribal water quality standards, EPA | ||
Public Outreach/Education | Fact Sheet: Chloride Usage Education and Reduction Program | Public education for residential salt use | DuPage River Salt Creek Workgroup | Illinois, Midwest, Region 5 | residential chloride use and alternatives | ||
Public Outreach/Education | Outreach Tools | Education on recommended salt use | WI Salt Wise Partnership | Wisonsin, Midwest, EPA Region 5, state | residential chloride use, public outreach and guidance | ||
Public Outreach/Education | Household Door to Door Talking Points | Education on recommended salt use | WI Salt Wise Partnership | Wisonsin, Midwest, EPA Region 5, state | residential chloride use, public outreach and guidance | ||
Public Outreach/Education | Proactive Approach to Chloride Reductions | Best management practices approach to chlorides for institutional, industrial, and residential settings | Village of Paddock Lake, WI | Wisonsin, Midwest, EPA Region 5, state | institutional chloride use, industrial chloride use, residential chloride use, best management practices | ||
Public Outreach/Education | Be Salt Smart at Home | Public education for residential salt use | Salt Smart Collaborative | Illinois, Midwest, Region 5 | residential salt application, education and outreach | ||
Public Outreach/Education | Fact Sheet: Public Works Directors and Staff Chloride Useage Education and Reduction Program | Municipal education for reducing salt useage | DuPage River Salt Creek Workgroup | Illinois, Midwest, Region 5 | winter maintenance workers, municipal salt reduction, deicing | ||
Public Outreach/Education | Fact Sheet: Mayors/Managers Chloride Useage Education and Reduction Program | Municipal education for reducing salt useage | DuPage River Salt Creek Workgroup | Illinois, Midwest, Region 5 | winter maintenance workers, municipal salt reduction, deicing | ||
Public Outreach/Education | Salt Wise Newsletter | Residential winter salt use guidance | WI Salt Wise Partnership | Wisonsin, Midwest, EPA Region 5, state | residential chloride use, public outreach and guidance | ||
Public Outreach/Education | Fact Sheet: Commercial Operators Chloride Useage Education and Reduction Program | Commercial education for reducing salt useage | DuPage River Salt Creek Workgroup | Illinois, Midwest, Region 5 | winter maintenance workers, municipal salt reduction, deicing | ||
Public Outreach/Education | Salt Wise Newsletter | Residential winter salt use guidance | WI Salt Wise Partnership | Wisonsin, Midwest, EPA Region 5, State | residential chloride use, public outreach and guidance | ||
Public Outreach/Education | Resources for Public Road Agencies | Links to deicing workshops, best management practices, and outreach materials | Salt Smart Collaborative | Illinois, Midwest, Region 5 | deicing, winter maintenance professionals, best management practices, BMPs | ||
Science | Dr. Kristine Stepenuck Laboratoy | Link to department and contact information | University of Vermont | Vermont | Vermont, University of Vermont, Kristine Stepenuck | ||
Science | Dr. Hintz Ecology Laboratory | Website for Hintz Ecology Lab – University of Toledo | Hintz Ecology Lab | Ohio | University of Toledo, Hintz Ecology Lab, Ohio | ||
Science | Dr. Hilary Dugan Laboratory | Website of Dugan Lab, Center for Limnology | University of Wisconsin | Wisonsin, Midwest, EPA Region 5, state | University of Wisconsin, Dugan Lab, aquatic processes in lakes, Hilary Dugan | ||
Science | Dr. John S. Gulliver Laboratory | Link to Dept of Civil Environmental & Geo-Engineering | University of Minnesota | Minnesota | University of Minnesota, John Gulliver | ||
Science | Dr. Sujay Kaushal Laboratory | Website for Kaushal Biogeochemisty Laboratory – University of Maryland | University of Maryland | Maryland | University of Maryland, freshwater salinization, chemical cocktails, ions | ||
Public Outreach/Education | Winter Salt Watch | Information related to reducing salt use | Izaak Walton League of America | Maryland | salt watch pledge, chloride, salt | ||
Regulatory | Chapter 29, Sewer Use and Wastewater Treatment | Chloride source reduction program | City of Waukesha, WI | Wisonsin, Midwest, EPA Region 5, State | chloride source reduction, discharge regulations | ||
Sources | Chloride Contributions from Water Softeners and Other Domestic, Commercial, Industrial, and Agricultural Sources to Minnesota Waters |
2019 study covering chloride contributions from residential, comercial, idustrial and agricultural sources | University of Minnesota | Minnesota | chloride contributions from residential, comercial, idustrial and agricultural sources | ||
Winter Maintenance | Statewide Chloride Management Plan | Link to managment plan and summary | Minnesota PCA | Minnesota | Minnesota, chloride, municipal, winter maintenance professionals | ||
Sources | Alternatives for Addressing Chloride in Wastewater Effluent | 2018 guide on treatment options | Minnesota PCA | Minnesota | wastewater, chloride, alternatives for addressing chloride, municipal wastewater treatment | ||
Public Outreach/Education | Minnesota Green Corps | Website for Green Corps whose goals include environmental protection and preservation as well as training new environmental professionals | Minnesota PCA | Minnesota | training, solid waste, recycling, water quality, water run-off | ||
Public Outreach/Education | Chloride Monitoring in Wisconsin | Citizen science monitoring in Wisconsin | WI Salt Wise Partnership | Wisonsin, Midwest, EPA Region 5, state | chloride monitoring, salt wise events, summer paddle | ||
Public Outreach/Education | The Real Costs of Salt Use for Winter Maintenance in the Twin Cities Metro Area | Study on impacts of salt use in the Twin Cities waterways | Minnesota PCA | Minnesota | chloride, winter maintenance, Minnesota | ||
Regulatory | Chloride Reduction Model Ordinance Language | Chloride reduction model ordinance language | Minnesota PCA | Minnesota | chloride reduction model ordinance | ||
Regulatory | Model Ordinances | Model facilities plan for snow and ice control | DuPage River Salt Creek Workgroup | Illinois, Midwest, Region 5 | model facilities plan, municipal snow and ice control, winter maintenance professionals | ||
Public Outreach/Education | Salt Responsibly – Preserve and Protect New Hampshire’s Freshwater | Website resources publlished and managed by the Green Mountain Conservation Group for salt reduction strategies | Green Mountain Conservation Group | New Hampshire | salt responsibly, chloride contamination, salt reduction, road salt, Ossipee watershed, Green Mountain Conservation Group | ||
Public Outreach/Education | Salt Reduction Trainings and Salt Accounting System Resources | Website resources providing salt application tracking databases for commercial and municipal salt applicators in New Hampshire; training opportunities, resources, and links for salt applicators | University of New Hampshire Technology Transfer Center (UNHT2) | New Hampshire | UNHT2, trainings, salt reduction, New Hampshire Green SnowPro, salt accounting system. | ||
Regulatory | Accotink Creek Chloride TMDL | A TMDL (the only one in Virginia) that provides wasteload allocations for entities that apply salt; this TMDL report led to the development of a region-wide Salt Management Strategy (SaMS) | Virginia Department of Environmental Quality | Virginia | TMDL, chloride TMDL, Accotink Creek, Northern Virginia, chloride wasteload allocation | ||
Winter Maintenance | Eureka County Winter Maintenance & Snow Removal Policy | A pdf of Eureka County, Nevada’s Winter Maintenance/Snow Removal Policy dated 12/19/2008 | Eureka County, Nevada Commissioners | Nevada | winter maintenance, Nevada | ||
Regulatory | Eureka Charter Township Code of Ordinances | Pdf of township ordinances for Eureka Township, NV dated 11/8/2021 | Eureka County, Nevada Commissioners | Nevada | municipal ordinances, Nevada | ||
Technology | Saltwise Water Softener Screener Tool | Tool for residents to better understand how their use of a water softener impacts chloride concentrations | WI Salt Wise Partnership | Wisconsin | public outreach, water softener | ||
Winter Maintenance | MPCA Water Softening Grant | With this $250,000 grant, the MPCA sought an organization that will lead the effort within a selected community in need of chloride reduction in partnership with members of the community and local and state experts | Minnesota Pollution Control Agency | Minnesota | grant, Minnesota, chloride reduction, public private partnerships | ||
Winter Maintenance | Smart Salting Assessment Tool | The SSaT is a free, web-based tool that can be used to assist public and private winter maintenance organizations in determining where opportunities exist to improve practices, make reductions in salt use, and track progress | Minnesota Pollution Control Agency | Minnesota | chloride reduction, winter maintenance, Minnesota, best management practices, BMPs | ||
Science | Cheese to the Rescue: Surprising Spray Melts Road Ice | The rural county (county seat: Balsam Lake) uses the cheese brine in pre-wetting for snow and ice control | Journal of Dairy Science | Nationwide | brine, dairy, winter maintenance | ||
Sources | Stormwater Discharges from Transportation Sources | EPA website on stormwater discharges from transportation MS4 permits | EPA | Nationwide | NPDES, MS4, DOT | ||
Technology | What is EPA Doing to Support Green Infrastructure? | Technical assistance, webinars, informational resources, and outreach to states and communities working to reduce the pollutants in stormwater runoff from roads | EPA | Nationwide | green infrastructure | cost evaluation, performance, infrastructure, decision tools, highway | |
Regulatory | Transportation Stormwater Permit Compendium | A compendium of excerpted permit language from municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) permits and other resources that can be used and/or tailored for transportation-specific MS4 permits | EPA | Nationwide | MS$, NPDES, stormwater | ||
Winter Maintenance | Strategies to Mitigate the Impacts of Chloride Roadway Deicers on the Natural Environment | TRB’s National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Synthesis 449 documents the range of methods, tools, and techniques used by transportation agencies to minimize the environmental impact of chloride-based roadway deicers | Transportation Research Board – National Cooperation Highway Research Program | Nationwide | tools, technology, emerging science | ||
Winter Maintenance | Environmental Stewardship Practices, Procedures, and Policies for Highway Construction and Maintenance | NCHRP 25-25(04)’s compendium of environmental stewardship practices in construction and maintenance, developed from the literature, state transportation agency manuals and procedures, and the contributions of state DOTs and practitioners | Transportation Research Board – National Cooperation Highway Research Program | Nationwide | environmental stewardship, construction, manuals, procedures | ||
Sources | Methods for Evaluating Potential Sources of Chloride in Surface Waters and Groundwaters of the Conterminous United States | Information about potential sources of chloride, water and solute budgets, and methods for collecting water-quality data to help identify potential sources. | USGS | Nationwide | water quality, monitoring, water supply, water use, policy | ||
Science | Toxicological Effects of Chloride Based Deicers in the Natural Environment | This report (25-25/TASK 86) documents and presents information on the toxicological impacts of chloride-based deicers to the environment | National Cooperation Highway Research Program | Nationwide | toxilogical impacts | ||
Winter Maintenance | Guidelines for the Selection of Snow and Ice Control Materials to Mitigate Environmental Impacts | TRB’s National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Report 577 explores guidelines for the selection of snow and ice control materials through an evaluation of their cost, performance, and impacts on the environment and infrastructure. | Transportation Research Board – National Cooperation Highway Research Program | Nationwide | cost evaluation, performance, infrastructure, decision tools, highway | ||
Winter Maintenance | Highway Deicing: Comparing Salt and Calcium Magnesium Acetate | TRB Special Report 235 examines the total cost of salt and calcium magnesium acetate (CMA), including the indirect cost of application and indirect costs to the environment, infrastructure, and motor vehicles | Transportation Research Board | Nationwide | calcium magnesium acetate, costs, highway | ||
Winter Maintenance | Road Salt Reduction | Certifying winter maintenance professionals in salt reduction practices that improve water quality while protecting public safety | New Hampshire Dept of Environmental Services | New Hampshire | road salt reduction | ||
Winter Maintenance | Salt Management Strategy Development | The SaMS development phase has completed and the implementation phase is beginning under the leadership of the Northern Virginia Regional Commission (NVRC) | Virginia Department of Environmental Quality | Virginia | salt management strategy | ||
Public Outreach/Education | Road Salt Has Become the Acid Rain of Our Time | The LGA has identified road salt reduction as being essential to the long-term protection of the Lake’s legendary water quality and has partnered with local municipalities on a science-based, technology-driven initiative that is achieving significant reductions | Lake George Association | New York | Lake George, management, outreach tools, engaging public | ||
Winter Maintenance | The Clear Roads Research Program | A national research consortium focused on rigorous testing of winter maintenance materials, equipment and methods for use by highway maintenance crews | Clear Roads | Nationwide | roads, highway, maintenance, technology, equipment |
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