The annual Northeast Aquatic Biologists (NAB) Conference will take place in Fairlee, Vermont on February 14-16, 2024. The event provides a forum for knowledge-transfer, collaboration, and networking among the aquatic and environmental biologist community in the Northeast.

The agenda includes sessions from more than 50 speakers surrounding topics such as the impact of climate change on streams, cyanobacteria, long-term and continuous monitoring, PFAS, and macroinvertebrate indices. This year, two pre-conference meetings are being offered. The first option, “R Exchange,” offers R coding enthusiasts an opportunity to share innovative methods and experience leveraging various R programs to streamline unique processes and problems. The second pre-conference meeting option is for state employees throughout the Northeast to connect with staff from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) about the network of streamgages. Both pre-conference meetings require advance registration and will be held from 9-11 a.m. on the first day of the conference.

Lake Morey, Vermont.
Lake Morey in Fairlee, Vermont.

Registration is open through January 15, and provides access to the poster session, exhibitor hall, banquet, and social events. NAB is open to all registrants, and attendees include participants from state, federal, tribal, and municipal governments; the private sector; academia; and watershed organizations from New England and New York.

The conference website hosts event updates and additional information, including a preliminary agenda and lodging details. 

The event is coordinated by NEIWPCC in partnership with our member states and the U.S. EPA.

Please note: Attendees should NOT participate in NEIWPCC events if they display any symptoms of COVID-19. Anyone who has tested positive for COVID-19 within ten (10) days of the event must test negative prior to attending. See the conference webpage for additional details about the NEIWPCC COVID-19 Policy.

Read about the 2023 NAB Conference.