The latest issue of LUSTLine (#93) looks back at the history of the underground storage tanks industry, while also highlighting some of the newest developments in the field.
Marcel Moreau, a nationally recognized petroleum storage specialist, investigates the impact that the Veeder Root TLS 350 has had in preventing fuel tanks from leaking through quick detection and early notification. Although the Veeder Root TLS 350 has recently been discontinued in favor of newer technologies, the article highlights the influence that the system will continue to have on the future of the industry.
The issue also features two articles about high-resolution site characterization (HRSC), including one from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency that goes over the results of studies about the effectiveness of HRSC. Matthew Wykel, hydrogeologist III with the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control, also reports on two HRSC case studies from South Carolina.
Two additional articles explore strategies for expediting the cleanup process for leaking underground storage tanks. One of these reexamines the procedure for moving petroleum release sites to closure, while the other analyzes the ability of sulfate to accelerate petroleum biodegradation.
LUSTLine also features a Q&A with Gina Miranda, project manager on the tanks subcommittee with the Association of State and Territorial Solid Waste Management Officials. The interview delves into how Miranda got into the field and advice they have for anyone interested in joining the industry.
LUSTLine is published twice a year and serves as the news of record for the UST community. The publication covers technical and regulatory aspects of UST compliance and release prevention, LUST cleanups, financial responsibility and other pertinent topics. The latest issue can be viewed on the website as individual articles or in PDF form.
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