Renewals occur every two years and are due by March 1.
To maintain Active status, Maine certified wastewater operators must renew every two years by completing the following by the renewal date:
- Provide documentation of the required 18 Training Contact Hours (TCHs).
- Pay the renewal fee (currently $125).
- Update contact information, including email address.
Timely renewal of operator certification is very important. Failure to renew on time makes the certificate inactive, increases the cost of renewal, and may lead to other complications.
Renewal Instructions for Active Certificates
Per Maine’s Renewal Policy, certified wastewater operators are due to renew their certificates biennially as follows:
- Operators with an odd numbered certificate renew by March 1 of odd-numbered years.
- Operators with an even numbered certificate renew by March 1 of even-numbered years.
NEIWPCC’s South Portland office mails renewal notices by October 1. The renewal fee is $125; checks, money orders and online credit card payments are accepted.
If you hold an ODD-numbered certificate, your 2025 renewal fee and proof of training was due by March 1, 2025. If you failed to successfully renew, your certification has become inactive. Please contact the NEIWPCC South Portland office at 207-253-8020 for instructions on how to reactivate your certificate.
Please contact with any questions.
Late Renewals (after March 1 deadline)
If you miss the renewal deadline, Maine DEP allows a six-month renewal grace period and charges a $100 late fee. Operators must complete all renewal requirements, including paying all fees and receiving required TCHs, by September 1 of their renewal year or they will become inactive.
Inactive operators cannot be the Operator in Responsible Charge (ORC) or Operator of Record of a wastewater plant.
An operator who fails to renew properly six months after their renewal deadline will need to retake the certification exam in order to achieve Active status.
Training Contact Hour (TCH) Information
To renew, all certified operators are required to obtain at least 18 TCHs of Maine DEP-approved continuing education training during the two-year renewal cycle. View the Maine DEP Approved Training Guideline.
- Up to six (6) TCHs may be a combination of facility management and/or safety training that relates to wastewater operations.
- The exception is Spray Irrigation Treatment System-1 (SITS-1) operators who must obtain six (6) technical TCHs every two years.
- A course cannot be repeated in two consecutive renewal cycles except for safety training.
- A course cannot be taken twice during a renewal period.
- TCHs cannot be carried over into the next renewal cycle.
Maine DEP-approved remote and in-person learning opportunities
Eligibility of training courses for continuing education credit must be approved by Maine DEP. Training approval requests must be submitted directly to the NEIWPCC South Portland office. To request TCHs for training that has not been pre-approved, complete the TCH Request Form and return to NEIWPCC.
Inactive Status
If your certification is INACTIVE please contact the NEIWPCC South Portland office at for further instructions.
Training Summary Report
If you currently hold an Active Maine Wastewater Operator Certificate, you may view a summary of the Training Contact Hours on file for you. If you have training you would like to add to your records, email
The TCH Summary Report is updated on the first business day of the month.
If you do not see your Certificate Number listed, please call the NEIWPCC South Portland office for the status of your Maine Wastewater Operator Certificate.
Contact Us
For questions or for more information about Maine wastewater operator renewals, email
584 Main Street
South Portland, ME 04106
Phone: (207) 253-8020
Fax: (207) 771-9028
Maine DEP manages the Maine Wastewater Operator Certification Program under authority granted in law at MRS 32, Ch. 62, §§4171-4182. Program authority is further established in rule at C.M.R. 06-096 ch. 531, Regulations for Wastewater Operators (2023) (Rule).
If you have any questions or comments, please contact Judy Bruenjes at the Maine DEP at or 207-287-7806.