Committee Members of Maine’s Joint Environmental Training Coordinating Committee (JETCC) are leaders in the water and wastewater industries in the state. Meeting quarterly, the 11 members can serve up to two three-year terms to provide training guidance and insights and assist in developing action plans.
JETCC Committee Members include the commissioner or designee of Maine’s Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and Department of Health and Human Services Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Other members appointed by the DEP commissioner include representatives of MeWEA, industrial wastewater treatment facilities, Maine Municipal Association (MMA), DEP Bureau of Water Quality, NEIWPCC, and an at-large representative from the water or wastewater profession.

Jonathan Helstrom
Caribou Utilities District

Yarissa Ortiz-Vidal, PhD
Rockland Pollution Control Dept.

Judy Bruenjes
Maine Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Water Quality Management

Christopher Cline
Yarmouth Wastewater Treatment Plant

Isreal Colpitt
Greater Augusta Utility District

Jeff McBurnie
Casella Resource Solutions

Dustin Price
Portland Water District

Alex Pugh
Division of Environmental Health, Maine CDC
Department of Health & Human Services
Subsurface Wastewater

Jeff Saucier
McCain Foods USA

Christina Stringer
Director of Wastewater and Onsite Programs, NEIWPCC

Gregg Wood
Maine Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Water Quality Management
Past Service Recognition
Previous JETCC committee members are recognized for their outstanding contributions during their tenure on the committee.

2024 Recipient
Travis Jones, Olver Associates
Travis has had a long tenure of contributions to JETCC and its mission of training in the state of Maine. Travis was a member of the Committee for seven and a half years and acted as the chair of our committee from 2019 until May of this year, when he termed out. Over this time, he provided leadership through the challenges that the organization faced transitioning to fully remote trainings during the pandemic and then navigating the return to in-person trainings as the public health threat waned.
He graduated from one of the first JETCC Management Candidate School classes in 2010 and has contributed to JETCC classes directly as an instructor and helping pull others into instruction roles since then.
Past Recipients
- Mark Holt, Livermore Falls and Jay Sewer Depts.
- Amanda Smith, Bangor Wastewater Treatment Plant
- Christopher Enman, Sappi Fine Paper
- Andrew Seiler, General Dynamics
- Leonard Blanchette, Brunswick Sewer District