A JETCC program to prepare the next generation of water and wastewater managers.

This 11-month training program is aimed at mid-level operators with management potential. Participants gain professional development through management courses, technical courses (such as engineering basics and construction planning), and skills training in areas of personnel management, communication, working with regulatory agencies, and budget preparation.
Program Application & Selection Process
Applications for the Class of 2025 are due by the close of business on October 15, 2024. Selection of applicants is only done in instances where there is a limitation to our host facility’s training space. The program will start on November 13, 2024.
Program Details
The 11-month program begins in the fall of each year, with students meeting once-per-month. The location for each program changes by year and the Class of 2025 will be held at the Bangor Water District.
Candidates that complete the program will be awarded a full renewal period of Training Contact Hours (TCHs) for their Maine Wastewater Operator Certification (18 TCHs) and up to 63 TCHs for their Maine Drinking Water Certifications (actual number depends on attendance of classes).
JETCC’s Management Candidate School program costs $1,100 per participant. Students must commit to attend all monthly trainings and the Operator Exchange.
Recognition for completing the Management Candidate School is given to all students. A certificate of completion will be awarded during a graduation ceremony held during the Maine Water Environment Association Fall Convention.
History of Management Candidate School
JETCC Committee Members, Maine DEP, and the Maine Water Environment Association (MeWEA) Executive Committee created this training program in 2009 for Maine’s wastewater operators. Since then, financial support and endorsements from MeWEA, Maine DEP, Maine Water Utilities Association (MWUA) and Maine Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) have ensured that the program provides the intensive training, networking, and skill-development coursework necessary to prepare water and wastewater managers and leaders.
Welcome Class of 2025

John Adamo, Maine DEP; Mike Adriance, South Portland Water Resource Protection; Rod Bates, Auburn Water & Sewer District; Derrick Bellavance, Bangor Water Quality Management; Erika Bickford, Bangor Water Quality Management; Derek Dufour, Caribou Utilities District; Jason Easterwood, Bangor Water District; Mike Griffin, Bath Water District; Cory Hale, Wells Sanitary District; Phil Harvey, Maine Water Company Bucksport Division; Dan Jackson, Portland Water District; Cameron Kendall, Bangor Water District; Matt Mercer, Bangor Water Quality Management; Craig Millett, Auburn Water & Sewer District; Matthew Ondra, Rockland Pollution Control Facility; Fred Page, Caribou Utilities District; Kenny Pelotte, Maine Water Company Skowhegan Division; Dan Phillips, Bangor Water District; Matt Szuter, Saco Water Resouce Recovery Dept.; Erik Walling, Brunswick Sewer District.
Congratulations Class of 2024

First row (left to right): Nicholas Textor, Bangor WWTF; Matthew Lincoln, Houlton Water Co.; Zachariah Mein, York Water District; Brandon Elwell, Brunswick Sewer District; Jordan Steves, York Sewer District; David McNally, Lewiston-Auburn Clean Water Authority; Brett Goodrich, Maine DEP; Matthew Deroches, Rumford-Mexico Sewerage District; Tyler Barrall, Bangor WWTF.
Back row (left to right): Brian Ahlquist, Mechanic Falls Sanitary District; Weston Alley, Boothbay Region Water District; Dave Robinson, Greater Augusta Utility District; Zacary Perkins, Bath Water Pollution Control Facility; Jeff Mitchell, Yarmouth Water Pollution Control Facility; Travis Dyer, Maine Water Co.; Steve Carpenter, Wells Sanitary District; Jeremy Court, Biddeford WWTF.
For more information, please contact Peter Zaykoski at pzaykoski@neiwpcc.org or (207) 253-8020.

How can your facility save up to 50% on JETCC Training?
Through the Harold Alfond Center for the Advancement of Maine’s Workforce, up to $1,200 per employee in match is available to help offset training costs. All of JETCC’s training programs qualify for reimbursement – and the sign-up process is easy.
Learn More
NEIWPCC-JETCC has joined the Maine Workforce Development Compact as a training partner. If you are seeking to apply for funding for a NEIWPCC or JETCC training, please select “Not Listed” from the vendor drop down on the funding request form and include the following information on the form:
- Vendor name: NEIWPCC-JETCC
- Address: 584 Main Street, South Portland, ME 04106
- Phone: 207-253-8020
- Website: www.neiwpcc.org/maine
- Email: maine@neiwpcc.org