The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) announced approximately $384,000 in contract awards to help the city of Hudson and town of Bethlehem increase shoreline resilience and improve…
Following a successful pilot in 2023, the ‘Garden Rewards’ program will soon accept applications for year two. Through the program, Long Island homeowners looking to help curb stormwater runoff are…
The Clean Water Pod podcast takes listeners to the Rio Hondo, a 79-mile-long tributary of the Rio Grande located in northern New Mexico. The river is an important ecological, recreational,…
Incorporating Climate Change into Stream Temperature TMDLs The next webinar in the National 303(d) Restoring Our Impaired Waters Webinar Series will focus on the role of climate change in temperature total maximum daily…
Last week, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued the results of the 2022 Clean Watersheds Needs Survey (CWNS), outlining wastewater, stormwater, and other clean water infrastructure needs. Through the…
NEIWPCC, in cooperation with the Long Island Sound Study National Estuary Program and its partners, is inviting proposals for the development of a GIS-based eelgrass habitat suitability model. Eelgrass is…
NEIWPCC’s 2023 annual report is now available, both online and in print. The report features accomplishments from throughout the fiscal year and is organized around NEIWPCC’s core values: leadership, collaboration,…
By Cheyenne Ellis A group of high school students trudge down the coastal forest path, swatting bugs away from their faces and grumbling as they make their way toward the…
Water quality issues on Cape Cod, Massachusetts stem from an increasing population as well as an influx of summer tourists that nearly triple the local population. Excess nitrogen enters area…
This May, NEIWPCC will launch a new a-la-carte management training series for clean water professionals. The four courses are designed to help operators build the skills needed to grow in…