LUSTLine (#92), the national publication for the underground storage tanks (USTs) industry, is now available on the NEIWPCC website. The cover article “Tale of the Terrifying Tank,” by contributor Mark Junker narrates the impact of a leaking underground storage tank (LUST) on a small tribal nation on the Kansas-Nebraska border. The article describes how the leak was identified and the procedures that followed to rectify the situation.

The issue also features an article from Mark Barolo, acting director of the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Office of Underground Storage Tanks, about ongoing efforts to incorporate environmental justice into the tanks program. Barolo discusses the EPA-developed program EJScreen, which is a tool that helps states identify priority areas of concern for environmental justice work.

Other topics in this publication include the impacts of flooding on USTs, an Interstate Technology and Regulatory Council workshop, LUST cleanup site programs, and environmental, social and governance reporting.

LUSTLine is published twice a year and serves as the news of record for the UST community. The publication covers technical and regulatory aspects of UST compliance and release prevention, LUST cleanups, financial responsibility and other pertinent topics. The latest issue can be viewed on the website as individual articles or in PDF form.

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