Identifying wetland soils in New England just got a little easier with this published manual. It has been updated to include an additional New England-specific soil indicator.

NE-A2 addresses dark muck/mucky peat. This indicator can be found under the Problem Soils section, which addresses New England-specific indicators.

The other change to the guide is a modification made to TA-6 used to identify mesic spodic (displaced moist soil containing organic matter) in soils.

Published by NEIWPCC, Field Indicators for Identifying Hydric Soils in New England, Version 4 contains all applicable national indicators, plus those found in the region not addressed by the Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland 5 Delineation Manual: Northcentral and Northeast Region Version 2.0 (2012) or Field Indicators of Hydric Soils in the United States Version 8.0 (2016).

Version 4 was first published in February 2018. That version was the result of work completed by the New England Hydric Soil Technical Committee to combine three separate guides into one definitive resource, including the section on Problem Soils. This one-stop resource also includes a glossary of terms, user guide, notes, graphs, and diagrams, added to improve the manual’s overall usability.

The field guide was first published in 1995 and is used by conservation organizations, consultancies, and government agencies throughout the region.


Additional Information

NEIWPCC Publishes Hydric Soils Identification Manual


Version 4 Companion Guide (with drawing of each indicator)