Exploring TMDL Stressors, Models, Restoration and Monitoring

The next webinar in the National 303(d) Restoring Our Impaired Waters Webinar Series will focus on the Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) development and implementation process. The event is scheduled for November 9, 1-2 p.m. EST via Zoom.

When implementing a TMDL, understanding the environmental stressors of a site can be complex. This webinar will cover the challenges associated with identifying and integrating stressors into a TMDL. The presenters will speak about how stressors can affect modeling, which is often limited to a few variables, therefore omitting contaminants commonly found in waterways. The speakers will also discuss the role of monitoring and assessment to track accurate progress towards the TMDL and inform restoration plans.

Speakers include Matthew Ehrhart, director of Watershed Restoration and Dr. John Jackson, senior research scientist and principal investigator of the Entomology Group, both from the Stroud Water Research Center in Pennsylvania.

Register for this free webinar. A recording will be available online for those who cannot join the live session.

Since 2016, NEIWPCC, through a grant from the EPA, has hosted a series of informational webinars for state, territorial, and tribal program staff working on pollution budgets in impaired waterways under Section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act.

Past webinars feature presentations from a diverse array of experts on topics ranging from state-tribe communications to temperature TMDLs. All previous webinar recordings are available in our resource library. To propose a topic for a future webinar, submit an abstract here. Subscribe to our webinar email list to be notified of upcoming presentations.

Please contact Livia Graham with any questions or comments.