The biennial North Country Convention will take place in Presque Isle, Maine, on April 2-3. The two-day educational event and trade show is designed for wastewater and drinking water operators working in central, downeast, and northern Maine. The convention features a variety of technical sessions, exhibitor interaction, luncheon speakers, and networking opportunities.

The agenda is currently in development and anticipated to include sessions focused on wastewater treatment and operations, collection systems, drinking water treatment and distribution, management, and laboratory topics.

Early bird registration is open through March 14. Water and wastewater operators are eligible to receive up to six training contact hours (TCHs) for each day attended. 

The conference website hosts event updates and additional information, including registration links, exhibitor information and lodging details. 

The event is coordinated by NEIWPCC and the Joint Environmental Training Coordinating Committee (JETCC) in partnership with Maine Water Environment Association (MeWEA) and the Maine Water Utilities Association (MWUA).