Preventing pollution in waterways protects human and ecosystem health, improves water quality, and safeguards waterbodies for continued recreational and economic uses. Here are 12 tips to reduce pollution to nearby streams, rivers, lakes, and estuaries.

1. Pick up pet waste and dispose of it in the trash.

One gram of dog waste contains 23 million fecal coliform bacteria – almost twice as much as human waste! Be sure to clean up after your pet with appropriate baggies, dispose of the waste in trash bins or pet waste receptacles, and never bury or compost pet waste.

2. Follow sustainable lawn care practices.

The USDA estimates that 40-80% of applied fertilizers are lost to the environment as runoff, polluting lakes, rivers, and estuaries. You can help reduce nutrient pollution by limiting fertilizer use and opting for slow-release options. Apply fertilizer when it can be absorbed into the ground – in the late spring or early fall – and consider leaving your grass clippings behind and mow high (tall grass is strong grass!).

3. Wash full loads of laundry to limit microfiber release into the water.

One load of laundry produces millions of microfibers! Wastewater treatment plants remove up to 99% of these, but a huge number still remain in discharged water. Reduce the release of microfibers by using less detergent and cold water, as well as running full loads of laundry where garments are exposed to less friction.

4. Be smart about residential de-icing salt use.

Road salt can contaminate drinking water, harm or even kill aquatic life, increase soil erosion, and damage infrastructure. Shoveling before the snow turns to ice prevents the need to salt. If you do need to apply salt, remember that a little goes a long way! Maintain 3-inch spacing between grains of salt and sweep up extra salt to reuse. Only apply salt in the right conditions – salt is not effective at temperatures below 15° F.

5. Help reduce marine debris.

An estimated 48 million tons of ghost nets, or abandoned fishing gear, are generated each year, threatening marine life. Reduce marine debris by limiting your plastic consumption, especially single-use plastics. Take care when fishing to retrieve all your equipment when finished, and properly dispose of all trash you bring to the beach.

6. Avoid PFAS containing products.

Using products with PFAS, like some nonstick cookware, makeup, and clothing can add these toxic chemicals to our environment. To limit PFAS exposure and pollution, swap out your nonstick skillet for a cast-iron one, and your plastic storage containers for glass or ceramic options. Avoid waterproof or stainproof clothing and don’t heat food wrapped in grease-resistant packaging.

7. Properly maintain your septic system.

Approximately one in five U.S. households rely on individual septic systems to treat their wastewater. Ensure your system is working properly by having it inspected by a professional every three years and learn about what you can – and can’t – dump down the drain.

8. Swap out toxic cleaning products for natural ones.

Many common cleaning products contain polluting volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which cannot be removed by wastewater treatment plants. Substitute conventional cleaning products for baking soda, vinegar, and hot water. When cleaning products are necessary, opt for greener options and/or avoid pouring them down the drain.

9. Never flush medication down the drain or toilet.

Pharmaceutical ingredients can impact reproductive development in aquatic organisms and contribute to antibiotic resistance. Don’t flush or pour unwanted pharmaceuticals down the toilet or drain. Check the medication packaging for disposal instructions and use community drug give back programs if available.

10. Recycle motor oil and vehicle fluids.

A single quart of motor oil can contaminate up to 250,000 gallons of drinking water. When performing vehicle maintenance, use a funnel when pouring liquids to avoid spills and work on a flat concrete surface where spills can easily be cleaned up. Never dispose of motor oil and vehicle fluids into a storm drain – recycle them, such as at a household hazardous waste disposal event.

11. Create stream buffers to reduce erosion.

Planting vegetative buffers along rivers and streams can stabilize the soil, slow down water flow, and filter out excess nutrients from the water. Further reduce sediment pollution by minimizing the area of exposed soil in your yard or community. When planting, consider using a variety of native species, and let it grow naturally.

12. Pick up and dispose of litter.

There are nearly 50 billion pieces of litter along U.S. roadways and waterways – yet 90% of Americans agree litter is a problem in their community. Be sure to properly dispose of all waste in the trash, recycling, or compost. Consider lending a hand at a community cleanup day, or invite a friend or family member to join you for your own cleanup.