In October 2019, NEIWPCC hosted a regional water quality standards training for our member states.

The training, held at the request of NEIWPCC’s water quality standards work group, covered important national and regional water quality issues.

In this Northeast-specific training, state water quality personnel learned from each other and from regional experts and shared their agencies’ work and experience. Nearly 50 new and veteran staff members from seven state agencies, EPA Region 1, and NEIWPCC participated in the training, either in-person or remotely.

Contact Richard Friesner for more information or for updates about future training opportunities.


Day 2 Group – NE Standards Training 10-10-19 065
NE Standards Training 10-10-19 DSC_6526
NE Standards Training 10-10-19 DSC_6490
NE Standards Training 10-10-19 DSC_6502
NE Standards Training 10-10-19 DSC_6516
NE Standards Training 10-10-19 DSC_6520

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Training Materials and Recordings

Many thanks to 2019 presenters Anna Mayor (MassDEP), Traci Iott (CTDEEP), and Pete LaFlamme (VTDEC)!

EPA Water Quality Standards Academy

The materials and agenda for the Northeast Standards Training were adapted from the EPA’s Water Quality Standards Academy. More information on EPA-hosted training opportunities is available directly from the EPA.

  • Basic WQS Course: Key Concepts provide an introduction to key water quality standards concepts, including designated uses  of  a water body, water quality criteria to protect designated uses, antidegradation policy, flexibility policies to address implementation issues, and EPA review of State and Tribal standards.
  • Supplemental WQS Topics provide more in-depth information on aspects of water quality standards development, including TMDLs, Monitoring and Assessment, NPDES permitting, Human Health and Aquatic Life Criteria.
  • Special Interest Modules address topics that are not usually covered in the Classroom WQS Academy.